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Старый 01.03.2017, 00:53
Stas Mishchenkov
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Stas Mishchenkov написал(а) к All в Aug 16 00:48:38 по местному времени:

Нi, All!

We have new english speaking subscribers. Please, welcom!

PS: What may be interesting for you about Crimea?

Нave a nice nights.
Stas Mishchenkov.

--- Если ложка не стоит в сметане, очевидно, виновата не ложка!
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Старый 01.03.2017, 00:53
Michiel van der Vlist
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Michiel van der Vlist написал(а) к Stas Mishchenkov в Aug 16 00:07:38 по местному времени:

Нello Stas,

On Sunday August 07 2016 00:48, you wrote to All:

SM> We have new english speaking subscribers. Please, welcom!

That would be me, wouldn't it?

SM> PS: What may be interesting for you about Crimea?

I am afraid I know so little about Crimea that I do not even have an idea where to start asking.

Just consider me a lurker for the moment...

Cheers, Michiel

--- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20130111
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Старый 01.03.2017, 00:53
Stas Mishchenkov
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Stas Mishchenkov написал(а) к Michiel van der Vlist в Aug 16 01:54:48 по местному времени:

Нi, Michiel!

07 авг 16 00:07, Michiel van der Vlist -> Stas Mishchenkov:

SM>> We have new english speaking subscribers. Please, welcom!

MvdV> That would be me, wouldn't it?

Not only you. May be Paul Quinn or Janis Kracht will be here to.

SM>> PS: What may be interesting for you about Crimea?

MvdV> I am afraid I know so little about Crimea that I do not even have an
MvdV> idea where to start asking.

Can I skip geographical position? ;)

MvdV> Just consider me a lurker for the moment...

Did you know that South Coast of Crimea (on the Black Sea) is the one of a few places where people can swim without shoes and water is warm? We have no dangerous fauna at all.

Нave a nice nights.
Stas Mishchenkov.

--- Если ложка не стоит в сметане, очевидно, виновата не ложка!
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Старый 01.03.2017, 00:53
Paul Quinn
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Paul Quinn написал(а) к Stas Mishchenkov в Aug 16 17:02:26 по местному времени:

Нi! Stas,

On 07 Aug 16 01:54, you wrote to Michiel van der Vlist:

MvdV>> Just consider me a lurker for the moment...

This is my preferred mode also, my friend. I told your НPT to rescan 100 messages and 94 turned out to be unreadable. Probably due to some incompatibility with Cyrillic characters.

As a part of the exercise of turning on this echo area, I've spent most of the afternoon here re-learning how to do such things. I can't remember my last experience of adding new echoes to the stoneage software I'm using. :)

Okay back to lurking, later tonight with my NNTP reader... have fun!


... You Just Like Me Coz I'm Good In Bed - Shirl & the 'hooks, 1974.
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20110213
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Старый 01.03.2017, 00:53
Dima Bargamov
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Dima Bargamov написал(а) к Stas Mishchenkov в Aug 16 10:10:44 по местному времени:


Kaк-тo нa дняx (07 авг 16) Stas Mishchenkov пишeт к All...

[ ... ]

SM> We have new english speaking subscribers. Please, welcom!
Let him learn Russian. ;-)
Дмитрий Баргамов. 73! Altyn CB Radio (RX3AVD)
--- GoldED-NSF+/LNX 1.1.5-b20110208
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