![]() |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Mar 16 01:00:24 по местному времени:
Updated file: hpt/fidoroute/fidoroute.cpp in current branch revision: 1.19; date: 2016-03-08 08:21:43+00; committed by grsf; lines: +17 -17 Log message: Making version used at 2:5020/545 public: fixed generation of НPT routing file, removed some strange characters from source, synced version numbers in the source and the repository. ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Mar 16 01:00:22 по местному времени:
Updated file: areafix/areafix.spec in current branch revision: 1.36; date: 2016-03-16 17:50:23+00; committed by grsf; lines: +4 -4 Log message: Fixed static build for RPM-based GNU/Linux systems ============ Updated file: fidoconf/fidoconf.spec in current branch revision: 1.71; date: 2016-03-16 17:50:23+00; committed by grsf; lines: +10 -10 Log message: Fixed static build for RPM-based GNU/Linux systems ============ Updated file: hpt/hpt.spec in current branch revision: 1.80; date: 2016-03-16 17:50:23+00; committed by grsf; lines: +2 -1 Log message: Fixed static build for RPM-based GNU/Linux systems ------------ Updated file: hpt/huskymak.cfg in current branch revision: 1.5; date: 2016-03-16 17:25:38+00; committed by grsf; lines: +7 -7 Log message: fixed build for RPM-based GNU/Linux systems ============ Updated file: huskylib/huskylib.spec in current branch revision: 1.34; date: 2016-03-16 17:50:23+00; committed by grsf; lines: +1 -1 Log message: Fixed static build for RPM-based GNU/Linux systems ============ Updated file: smapi/smapi.spec in current branch revision: 1.28; date: 2016-03-16 17:50:23+00; committed by grsf; lines: +1 -1 Log message: Fixed static build for RPM-based GNU/Linux systems ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Mar 16 01:00:16 по местному времени:
Updated file: htick/htick.spec in current branch revision: 1.48; date: 2016-03-18 07:46:26+00; committed by grsf; lines: +3 -3 Log message: Fixed static build for RPM-based GNU/Linux systems ============ Updated file: htick/huskymak.cfg in current branch revision: 1.7; date: 2016-03-18 07:46:26+00; committed by grsf; lines: +4 -4 Log message: Fixed static build for RPM-based GNU/Linux systems ============ Updated file: sqpack/huskymak.cfg in current branch revision: 1.2; date: 2016-03-18 07:32:57+00; committed by grsf; lines: +8 -8 Log message: Fixed static build for RPM-based GNU/Linux systems ============ Updated file: sqpack/sqpack.spec in current branch revision: 1.2; date: 2016-03-18 07:32:58+00; committed by grsf; lines: +2 -2 Log message: Fixed static build for RPM-based GNU/Linux systems ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Mar 16 01:00:20 по местному времени:
Updated file: fidoconf/doc/fidoconfig.texi in current branch revision: 1.46; date: 2016-03-20 21:29:57+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +51 -39 Log message: Descriptions of keywords, containing robot names were fixed ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Apr 16 01:00:24 по местному времени:
Updated file: hpt/src/scanarea.c in current branch revision: 1.113; date: 2016-04-17 19:29:23+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +5 -2 Log message: A high water mark was erroneously set for an empty Fido/OPUS message base ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в May 16 01:00:32 по местному времени:
Updated file: nltools/Makefile in current branch revision: 1.20; date: 2016-05-26 08:35:45+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +2 -2 Log message: Module name was shortened. Patch by Andrew Clarke 3:633/267 ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Jun 16 01:00:34 по местному времени:
Updated file: nltools/Makefile in current branch revision: 1.21; date: 2016-06-04 14:15:55+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +1 -1 Log message: Revert the previous commit ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Aug 16 01:00:36 по местному времени:
Updated file: hpt/doc/hpt-FAQ.russian in current branch revision: 1.100; date: 2016-08-14 13:43:56+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +3 -3 Log message: No questions are marked as new any more ------------ revision: 1.99; date: 2016-08-14 13:20:15+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +4 -3 Log message: Info on OS X buids was added ------------ revision: 1.98; date: 2016-08-14 08:35:39+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +11 -31 Log message: Answers to the first 3 questions were renewed ============ Updated file: htick/doc/htick-FAQ.russian in current branch revision: 1.8; date: 2016-08-14 13:45:02+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +12 -36 Log message: Answers to the first 3 questions were renewed ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Jan 17 01:00:26 по местному времени:
Updated file: huskybse/win32/bind.cmd in current branch revision: 1.2; date: 2017-01-27 17:46:39+00; committed by vasilyevmax; lines: +2 -1 Log message: Fix makefiles after 'nlupdate.exe renamed to nlupd.exe' patch ============ Updated file: nltools/Makefile in current branch revision: 1.22; date: 2017-01-27 17:46:39+00; committed by vasilyevmax; lines: +2 -2 Log message: Fix makefiles after 'nlupdate.exe renamed to nlupd.exe' patch ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Feb 17 01:00:32 по местному времени:
Updated file: areafix/areafix/areafix.h in current branch revision: 1.13; date: 2017-02-12 17:05:50+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +6 -3 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ Updated file: areafix/make/AreafixDll.90.vcproj in current branch revision: 1.2; date: 2017-02-12 17:05:50+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +563 -563 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ Updated file: areafix/src/areafix.c in current branch revision: 1.84; date: 2017-02-12 17:05:51+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +148 -148 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ Updated file: hpt/fidoroute/win/msvc9/fidoroute.vcproj in current branch revision: 1.3; date: 2017-02-12 17:09:41+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +149 -0 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ Updated file: hpt/h/global.h in current branch revision: 1.46; date: 2017-02-12 17:09:41+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +4 -4 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ Updated file: hpt/h/hpt.h in current branch revision: 1.9; date: 2017-02-12 17:09:42+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +3 -2 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ Updated file: hpt/make/hpt.90.vcproj in current branch revision: 1.3; date: 2017-02-12 17:09:42+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +52 -52 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ Updated file: hpt/make/hptlink.90.vcproj in current branch revision: 1.3; date: 2017-02-12 17:09:42+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +428 -428 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ Updated file: hpt/make/pktinfo.90.vcproj in current branch revision: 1.2; date: 2017-02-12 17:09:42+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +163 -0 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ Updated file: hpt/make/txt2pkt.90.vcproj in current branch revision: 1.3; date: 2017-02-12 17:09:42+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +55 -55 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ Updated file: hpt/src/global.c in current branch revision: 1.56; date: 2017-02-12 17:09:42+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +6 -4 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ Updated file: hpt/src/hpt.c in current branch revision: 1.207; date: 2017-02-12 17:09:42+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +348 -151 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ Updated file: htick/htick.90.vcproj in current branch revision: 1.4; date: 2017-02-12 17:11:19+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +60 -60 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ Updated file: htick/h/global.h in current branch revision: 1.32; date: 2017-02-12 17:11:19+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +30 -25 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ Updated file: htick/h/htick.h in current branch revision: 1.6; date: 2017-02-12 17:11:19+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +3 -2 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ Updated file: htick/src/global.c in current branch revision: 1.32; date: 2017-02-12 17:11:19+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +8 -2 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ Updated file: htick/src/htick.c in current branch revision: 1.118; date: 2017-02-12 17:11:19+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +153 -41 Log message: Resubscribing areas matching pattern list in a file was implemented ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |