![]() |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в Sep 123 00:05:12AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "18 Sep 23" to "23 Sep 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- tg.v1_ru 195 tg.varlamov_news 191 tg.hinewschat 171 tg.baza 164 tg.mobilereviewcom 156 tg.war_gonzo 129 fidonet.online 89 tg.mysku_discounts 71 tg.za_telecom 67 tg.englishfromzero 37 tg.wingsofwar 36 tg.luchkov 28 tg.skolkovo_leaks 26 tg.dailyeng 24 tg.cyberleninka 21 tg.usher_ii 9 tg.varlamov_ru 7 tg.aviation_mode 6 tg.dataleak 5 tg.wow_english 4 tg.ekblaw 4 tg.digitalrightcenter 3 tg.voenvz 1 tg.evropa_inside 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1445 Total Packets: 540 Total Bundles: 4437 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 24 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 206.43 packets: 77.14 bundles: 633.86 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic RUS написал(а) к ll в Oct 123 00:05:04AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "25 Sep 23" to "01 Oct 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- su.pol 377 crimea.talk 342 ru.military 184 ru.fidonet.today 143 r50.sysop.drunk 62 su.hamradio 57 su.talks 53 starper.limited 32 su.os2.faq 30 crimea.business 29 pvt.luna.local 28 su.tormoz 26 su.general 20 hobbit.robot 19 pvt.zona 19 obec.3boh 16 ru.mac 15 ru.golded 15 su.hardw.other 13 ru.windows.xp 10 nino.046.local 10 ru.husky 10 ru.cisco 8 400.link 7 n5020.sysop.info 7 ru.snooker 7 concord 6 ru.sex.condoms 6 5015-255.local 6 ru.film 5 elite.info 5 ru.space 5 10.local 4 su.books 4 su.hardw.schemes 4 ru.ftn.develop 4 ru.beer 4 ru.military.navy 3 n5020.sysop 3 r46.sysop.info 3 n5020.fehubs 3 8912.local 3 n5053.sysop 3 ru.fidonet.digest 3 r50.sysop.info 3 ru.home 2 n5020.crisis 2 ru.aviation 2 mo.fidopoika 2 fidonet.history 2 altyn.local 2 n5053.points 2 ru.tramway 1 ru.adsl 1 ru.ignatov 1 ru.sport.other 1 mo.job.service 1 su.ip.point 1 ru.upgrade 1 ru.pictures.psevdo.graf 1 ru.anecdot 1 ru.asm.win32 1 ru.c-- 1 n5053.cars 1 ru.hutor.filtered 1 ru.aon.modem 1 r50.sysop 1 su.os2 1 mo.halyava 1 humor.filtered 1 ru.anomalia 1 ru.sat 1 ru.subway 1 58.test 1 58.local 1 ru.game.mmorpg 1 r50.crisis 1 su.pol.free 1 ru.sat.news 1 spb.sysop 1 spb.sysop.info 1 mo.job.haltura 1 ru.anti-ment 1 ru.books.computing 1 su.game 1 ru.binkd 1 mo.sails 1 ru.microchip 1 mo.talk 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1667 Total Packets: 1510 Total Bundles: 4876 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 89 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 238.14 packets: 215.71 bundles: 696.57 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в Oct 123 00:05:08AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "25 Sep 23" to "01 Oct 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- bbs_ads 168 syncdata 158 weather 150 politics 111 comp.lang.python 108 rberrypi 83 cooking 63 recipes 60 bbs_promotion 60 home_cooking 50 sync_sysops 30 cbm 11 asian_link 9 golded 9 fidosoft.husky 8 othernets 8 fidonews 7 classic_computer 6 public_keys 6 enet.sysop 5 english_tutor 4 binkd 4 mystic 3 synchronet 3 pgmrs.ger 3 ham 2 fido_sysop 2 elist 2 ra_util 1 doorgames 1 fidotest 1 spiele.ger 1 minister 1 utf-8 1 aftershock 1 railfan 1 amiga 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1142 Total Packets: 690 Total Bundles: 4876 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 37 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 163.14 packets: 98.57 bundles: 696.57 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в Oct 123 00:05:11AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "25 Sep 23" to "01 Oct 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- tg.v1_ru 226 tg.baza 167 tg.war_gonzo 117 tg.varlamov_news 96 fidonet.online 95 tg.mobilereviewcom 92 tg.hinewschat 80 tg.za_telecom 65 tg.luchkov 43 tg.mysku_discounts 42 tg.englishfromzero 39 tg.wingsofwar 38 tg.cyberleninka 24 tg.skolkovo_leaks 19 tg.dailyeng 12 tg.usher_ii 11 tg.varlamov_ru 7 tg.dataleak 6 tg.aviation_mode 5 tg.digitalrightcenter 4 tg.ekblaw 3 tg.wow_english 2 tg.nevrotique 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1194 Total Packets: 525 Total Bundles: 4876 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 23 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 170.57 packets: 75.00 bundles: 696.57 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic RUS написал(а) к ll в Oct 123 00:05:04AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "02 Oct 23" to "07 Oct 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- r50.sysop.drunk 183 su.pol 166 ru.military 153 ru.golded 109 ru.fidonet.today 88 su.general 62 starper.limited 58 su.hardw.other 56 su.os2.faq 37 crimea.talk 35 su.comp.old 30 su.talks 27 su.hamradio 26 hobbit.robot 18 ru.space 18 pvt.zona 16 crimea.business 15 su.chainik 14 pvt.luna.local 13 su.tormoz 12 n5020.sysop.info 10 hobbit.local 10 ru.unix.bsd 9 ru.home 8 su.hardw.technology 8 downgrade.talks 8 ru.anti-ment 8 concord 7 5015-255.local 6 ru.snooker 6 su.books 6 400.link 6 android.unlimited 6 ru.sex.condoms 6 obec.3boh 6 ru.ftn.develop 5 ru.husky 5 ru.fidonet.digest 5 nino.046.local 5 titanic.pvt 5 fidonet.history 4 ru.film 4 ru.photo 4 r46.sysop.info 4 8912.local 4 ru.linux 4 ru.cisco 4 middle.range.rockets 4 n5020.sysop 4 n5020.fehubs 3 r50.sysop.info 3 ru.python 2 ru.subway 2 ru.binkd 2 r50.sysop 2 ru.prank 2 su.hardw.schemes 2 n5020.crisis 2 mo.fidopoika 2 ru.teenagers 2 su.ip.point 2 ru.aviation 1 ru.microchip 1 altyn.local 1 ru.space.news 1 nozdr.local 1 ru.sat.news 1 su.pol.free 1 pushkin.local 1 mo.sails 1 su.fidotech 1 ru.anekdot 1 10.local 1 ru.military.navy 1 hobbit.test 1 n5053.user 1 ru.android 1 ru.c-- 1 spb.sysop.info 1 r50.crisis 1 n463.sysop.talks 1 mo.talk 1 spb.sysop 1 n5053.randomize 1 ru.mac 1 ru.fidorulezz 1 n463.sysop 1 zone7 1 humor.filtered 1 n5020.new.nodes 1 n5053.exchange.carburators 1 ru.sport.other 1 ru.anti.army 1 n5053.user.shuher 1 ru.books.computing 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1367 Total Packets: 1458 Total Bundles: 3129 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 95 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 195.29 packets: 208.29 bundles: 447.00 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в Oct 123 00:05:07AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "02 Oct 23" to "07 Oct 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- bbs_ads 167 weather 163 syncdata 149 politics 98 rberrypi 67 cooking 65 bbs_promotion 57 recipes 50 sync_sysops 42 home_cooking 40 synchronet 12 english_tutor 9 fn_sysop 7 fidonews 7 othernets 7 fidotest 6 fidosoft.husky 4 golded 3 enet.sysop 3 amiga 3 elist 3 windows 2 aftershock 2 fidocon.bleichenbach.1996 2 cbm 2 binkd 1 bbs_carnival 1 mystic 1 apple 1 utf-8 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 975 Total Packets: 575 Total Bundles: 3129 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 30 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 139.29 packets: 82.14 bundles: 447.00 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в Oct 123 00:05:09AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "02 Oct 23" to "07 Oct 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- fidonet.online 301 tg.v1_ru 218 tg.baza 163 tg.varlamov_news 156 tg.war_gonzo 131 tg.hinewschat 92 tg.mobilereviewcom 86 tg.za_telecom 50 tg.mysku_discounts 43 tg.luchkov 39 tg.wingsofwar 32 tg.englishfromzero 22 tg.cyberleninka 21 tg.skolkovo_leaks 16 tg.varlamov_ru 10 tg.dailyeng 10 tg.aviation_mode 9 tg.dataleak 7 tg.ekblaw 4 tg.digitalrightcenter 3 tg.usher_ii 2 tg.voenvz 2 tg.wow_english 2 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1419 Total Packets: 635 Total Bundles: 3129 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 23 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 202.71 packets: 90.71 bundles: 447.00 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic RUS написал(а) к ll в Oct 123 00:05:03AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "09 Oct 23" to "15 Oct 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- ru.fidonet.today 196 su.pol 181 ru.military 181 r50.sysop.drunk 146 su.hardw.other 93 crimea.talk 87 su.general 87 starper.limited 46 su.os2.faq 30 ru.space 22 mo.fidopoika 21 hobbit.robot 18 pvt.zona 17 ru.golded 16 su.comp.old 16 altyn.local 14 su.talks 12 ru.linux 11 n5025.sysop 10 su.hamradio 10 ru.home 9 su.tormoz 8 concord 7 n5020.sysop.info 7 crimea.business 7 android.unlimited 6 5015-255.local 6 fidonet.history 6 ru.sex.condoms 6 ru.film 6 ru.anti-ment 6 400.link 6 ru.snooker 6 ru.husky 5 r50.sysop 5 elite.info 5 ru.fidonet.digest 4 ru.subway 4 nino.general 4 ru.windows.xp 3 ru.dos 3 ru.space.news 3 n5020.sysop 3 r46.sysop.info 3 su.abandonware 3 n5020.fehubs 3 titanic.pvt 2 ru.beer 2 mun.public 2 r50.sysop.info 2 n5020.crisis 2 su.ip.point 2 su.medic 2 ru.pravoslavie.talk 1 ru.asm.win32 1 smr.general 1 obec.3boh 1 su.game 1 mo.halyava 1 ru.fidorulezz 1 ru.adsl 1 su.music 1 downgrade.talks 1 ru.sat.news 1 r50.crisis 1 ru.world.war.ii 1 ru.c-- 1 ru.binkd 1 mo.talk 1 ru.pictures.psevdo.graf 1 spb.sysop.info 1 ru.upgrade 1 8912.local 1 ru.android 1 mo.job.haltura 1 n5053.common 1 humor.filtered 1 5030-722.local 1 mo.sails 1 ru.books.computing 1 ru.lingva_latina 1 spb.sysop 1 nino.046.local 1 ru.sport.other 1 ru.ftn.develop 1 n5053.games 1 n5053.randomize 1 ru.history 1 n5053.mobile 1 nozdr.local 1 n5053.job 1 n5053.exchange 1 ru.militarism 1 ru.ignatov 1 su.pol.free 1 ru.aon.modem 1 ru.teenagers 1 10.local 1 ru.aviation 1 mo.job.service 1 ru.military.navy 1 pushkin.local 1 ru.microchip 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1412 Total Packets: 1521 Total Bundles: 3229 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 103 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 201.71 packets: 217.29 bundles: 461.29 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в Oct 123 00:05:06AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "09 Oct 23" to "15 Oct 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- bbs_ads 171 syncdata 152 weather 146 cooking 59 bbs_promotion 57 sync_sysops 55 fidonews 51 rberrypi 47 recipes 40 ftsc_public 33 synchronet 30 home_cooking 30 politics 30 hotdoged 17 fidosoft.husky 10 othernets 6 binkd 5 cbm 4 golded 3 doorgames 3 enet.sysop 2 aftershock 2 fidocon.bleichenbach.1996 2 mystic 1 linux 1 amiga 1 utf-8 1 fidotest 1 ipv6 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 961 Total Packets: 631 Total Bundles: 3229 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 29 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 137.29 packets: 90.14 bundles: 461.29 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в Oct 123 00:05:08AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "09 Oct 23" to "15 Oct 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- fidonet.online 220 tg.v1_ru 211 tg.war_gonzo 196 tg.baza 187 tg.varlamov_news 180 tg.hinewschat 153 tg.mobilereviewcom 83 tg.za_telecom 70 tg.mysku_discounts 45 tg.englishfromzero 33 tg.cyberleninka 24 tg.wingsofwar 23 tg.skolkovo_leaks 20 tg.dailyeng 17 tg.varlamov_ru 13 tg.aviation_mode 10 tg.usher_ii 8 tg.luchkov 6 tg.dataleak 5 tg.ekblaw 4 tg.evropa_inside 1 tg.voenvz 1 tg.wow_english 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1511 Total Packets: 660 Total Bundles: 3229 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 23 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 215.86 packets: 94.29 bundles: 461.29 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |