![]() |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в Jul 123 00:05:11AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "10 Jul 23" to "16 Jul 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- tg.baza 195 tg.v1_ru 185 tg.varlamov_news 126 tg.mobilereviewcom 121 tg.hinewschat 111 tg.war_gonzo 98 fidonet.online 51 tg.mysku_discounts 51 tg.za_telecom 50 tg.englishfromzero 45 tg.cyberleninka 24 tg.wingsofwar 22 tg.skolkovo_leaks 18 tg.aviation_mode 15 tg.dailyeng 12 tg.luchkov 11 tg.evropa_inside 7 tg.digitalrightcenter 6 tg.ekblaw 6 tg.wow_english 6 tg.dataleak 5 tg.varlamov_ru 5 tg.usher_ii 4 tg.voenvz 2 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1176 Total Packets: 464 Total Bundles: 4650 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 24 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 168.00 packets: 66.29 bundles: 664.29 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic RUS написал(а) к ll в Jul 123 00:05:05AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "17 Jul 23" to "22 Jul 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- ru.military 273 ru.fidonet.today 149 su.pol 78 su.hardw.other 78 crimea.talk 57 r50.sysop.drunk 50 su.comp.old 39 su.tormoz 35 nino.046.local 33 starper.limited 31 su.os2.faq 30 ru.linux 28 ru.sex 26 concord 21 downgrade.talks 20 android.unlimited 20 hobbit.robot 19 altyn.local 16 pvt.zona 16 su.c_cpp 12 su.talks 11 ru.sat 10 obec.3boh 9 su.general 9 ru.anti-ment 8 n5053.common 7 nino.general 7 8912.local 7 crimea.business 6 5015-255.local 6 400.link 6 ru.home 6 ru.film 5 n5020.sysop.info 4 r50.crisis 4 ru.husky 4 ru.space 4 r46.sysop.info 4 n5020.fehubs 3 ru.anti.army 3 fidonet.history 3 ru.linux.chainik 3 ru.fidonet.digest 3 ru.coffee.club 3 r50.sysop.info 3 ru.military.navy 3 ru.ignatov 3 n5020.sysop 3 ru.unix 2 r50.sysop.talk 2 middle.range.rockets 2 vyborg.talks 2 ru.prank 2 n5020.crisis 2 ru.space.news 2 ru.android 2 spb.sysop.info 1 humor.filtered 1 ru.binkd 1 10.local 1 ru.c-- 1 ru.aon.modem 1 ru.books.computing 1 ru.fido-pickup 1 su.ip.point 1 t-mail.chainik 1 ru.asm.win32 1 ru.aviation 1 elite.info 1 ru.sat.news 1 ru.sport.other 1 ru.game 1 715.echo 1 su.pol.free 1 r50.sysop 1 pvt.girls 1 spb.sysop 1 mo.talk 1 ru.adsl 1 mo.sails 1 ru.microchip 1 715.pvt 1 ru.student.talks 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1221 Total Packets: 1425 Total Bundles: 3959 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 83 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 174.43 packets: 203.57 bundles: 565.57 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в Jul 123 00:05:08AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "17 Jul 23" to "22 Jul 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- weather 251 syncdata 160 bbs_ads 125 cooking 99 politics 79 fidotest 74 recipes 51 home_cooking 51 bbs_promotion 45 sync_sysops 41 synchronet 35 comp.lang.python 31 fidonews 12 mystic 10 othernets 7 minister 6 taglines 6 memories 6 fidosoft.husky 5 rberrypi 5 asian_link 5 elist 4 ls_arrl 4 binkd 4 fido_sysop 3 linux 2 cbm 2 amiga 2 enet.sysop 1 utf-8 1 mbse 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1128 Total Packets: 647 Total Bundles: 3959 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 31 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 161.14 packets: 92.43 bundles: 565.57 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в Jul 123 00:05:11AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "17 Jul 23" to "22 Jul 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- tg.baza 228 tg.varlamov_news 208 tg.v1_ru 148 tg.war_gonzo 100 tg.hinewschat 75 tg.mobilereviewcom 62 tg.za_telecom 49 tg.mysku_discounts 45 fidonet.online 42 tg.englishfromzero 35 tg.wingsofwar 23 tg.cyberleninka 22 tg.skolkovo_leaks 21 tg.evropa_inside 12 tg.aviation_mode 11 tg.dailyeng 10 tg.usher_ii 7 tg.ekblaw 5 tg.dataleak 5 tg.luchkov 4 tg.wow_english 4 tg.varlamov_ru 4 tg.digitalrightcenter 3 tg.voenvz 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1124 Total Packets: 447 Total Bundles: 3959 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 24 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 160.57 packets: 63.86 bundles: 565.57 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic RUS написал(а) к ll в Jul 123 00:05:05AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "24 Jul 23" to "30 Jul 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- ru.military 287 su.pol 281 su.hardw.other 210 r50.sysop.drunk 100 ru.fidonet.today 89 crimea.talk 78 nino.046.local 71 pushkin.local 61 starper.limited 55 su.os2.faq 35 su.general 34 pvt.zona 30 su.talks 26 su.hamradio 23 ru.sex 22 su.tormoz 22 hobbit.robot 19 altyn.local 17 su.kitchen 14 downgrade.talks 14 ru.linux 14 ru.sex.condoms 13 ru.home 12 ru.dtp 8 n5020.sysop.info 7 5015-255.local 7 400.link 7 ru.anti-ment 6 ru.android 6 8912.local 6 ru.snooker 5 crimea.business 5 ru.film 5 concord 5 ru.space.news 4 ru.sat 4 ru.railways 4 n5020.fehubs 3 r46.sysop.info 3 ru.space 3 android.unlimited 3 r50.sysop.info 3 ru.coffee.club 3 ru.mac 3 ru.aviation 3 r50.crisis 3 n5020.sysop 3 ru.game.mmorpg 2 n5020.crisis 2 ru.fips 2 ru.anti.army 2 xsu.useless.faq 2 su.cars 2 ru.unix.bsd 2 su.ip.point 2 spb.anime 1 cb.radio 1 ru.c-- 1 klg.talk 1 mo.job.haltura 1 ru.subway 1 spb.sysop.info 1 ru.pictures.psevdo.graf 1 ru.binkd 1 mo.halyava 1 elite.info 1 ru.anomalia 1 ru.student.talks 1 starper.unlimited 1 smr.sysop 1 ru.mozilla 1 ru.fido-pickup 1 ru.sat.news 1 su.pol.free 1 mo.job.service 1 ru.upgrade 1 pvt.girls 1 su.pilot 1 ru.basic 1 ru.microchip 1 ru.tramway 1 pvt.prool 1 spb.sysop 1 ru.internet.chainik 1 zx.spectrum 1 ru.teenagers 1 10.local 1 r50.sysop 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1685 Total Packets: 1852 Total Bundles: 4830 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 88 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 240.71 packets: 264.57 bundles: 690.00 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в Jul 123 00:05:08AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "24 Jul 23" to "30 Jul 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- weather 277 politics 209 syncdata 202 bbs_ads 154 cooking 122 recipes 85 home_cooking 65 bbs_promotion 53 rberrypi 39 synchronet 33 enet.sysop 26 sync_sysops 24 comp.lang.python 24 fidotest 15 fidonews 15 othernets 8 asian_link 8 memories 7 taglines 7 minister 7 binkd 6 linux 5 marvel_universe 4 ls_arrl 4 elist 3 doorgames 3 cbm 2 mystic 1 internet 1 movies 1 spiele.ger 1 utf-8 1 dos 1 funny 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1414 Total Packets: 779 Total Bundles: 4833 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 34 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 202.00 packets: 111.29 bundles: 690.43 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в Jul 123 00:05:11AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "24 Jul 23" to "30 Jul 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- tg.varlamov_news 212 tg.baza 202 tg.v1_ru 197 tg.war_gonzo 153 tg.hinewschat 92 tg.mysku_discounts 80 fidonet.online 76 tg.mobilereviewcom 70 tg.za_telecom 56 tg.englishfromzero 40 tg.cyberleninka 28 tg.skolkovo_leaks 17 tg.dailyeng 16 tg.voenvz 8 tg.ekblaw 8 tg.aviation_mode 8 tg.varlamov_ru 7 tg.dataleak 7 tg.wingsofwar 6 tg.usher_ii 5 tg.luchkov 5 tg.digitalrightcenter 5 tg.evropa_inside 3 tg.wow_english 2 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1303 Total Packets: 567 Total Bundles: 4833 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 24 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 186.14 packets: 81.00 bundles: 690.43 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic RUS написал(а) к ll в Aug 123 00:05:04AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "31 Jul 23" to "06 Aug 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- su.pol 397 ru.military 293 ru.fidonet.today 207 r50.sysop.drunk 169 su.hardw.other 126 starper.limited 115 crimea.talk 79 ru.sex 37 pvt.zona 35 ru.home 35 pushkin.local 34 su.os2.faq 32 nino.046.local 30 altyn.local 24 ru.windows.xp 23 hobbit.robot 19 su.tormoz 16 downgrade.talks 15 concord 15 n5020.sysop.info 11 obec.3boh 11 titanic.pvt 10 middle.range.rockets 8 400.link 8 crimea.business 8 su.c_cpp 8 su.general 7 ru.film 7 5015-255.local 7 r50.sysop.info 6 ru.space 6 ru.space.news 5 r50.sysop 5 r46.sysop.info 5 obec.pactet 5 nino.general 5 ru.fido.internet 4 ru.aviation 4 hobbit.test 4 ru.unix.bsd 4 10.local 3 ru.anti-ment 3 n5020.sysop 3 su.books 3 n5053.sysop 3 bel.sysop 3 n5020.fehubs 3 ru.mac 2 n5020.crisis 2 klg.talk 2 ru.anti.army 2 ru.python 2 ru.military.navy 2 n5053.points 2 ru.moderator 2 ru.snooker 2 ru.fidonet.digest 2 fidonet.history 2 n5053.common 2 su.talks 1 r50.crisis 1 58.local 1 su.cars 1 guitar.songs.filtered 1 r50.sysop.talk 1 su.fidotech 1 ru.adsl 1 survival.guide 1 ru.golded 1 58.test 1 r50.hubs 1 ru.music.ddt 1 n5053.cars 1 n463.sysop 1 n5053.user.shuher 1 ru.game.mmorpg 1 ru.lhp 1 zone7 1 spb.sysop.info 1 crimea.info 1 5015-255.forwards 1 ru.allergy 1 ru.aon.modem 1 su.pilot 1 spb.sysop 1 ru.sat 1 ru.ignatov 1 humor.filtered 1 n5053.user 1 zx.spectrum 1 n463.sysop.talks 1 ru.binkd 1 ru.microchip 1 ru.sport.other 1 ru.fido.www 1 obec.filtered 1 ru.atheism 1 ru.teenagers 1 5030-722.local 1 n5020.new.nodes 1 ru.wardrive 1 elite.info 1 crimea.black.log 1 ru.android 1 5030-722.forwards 1 n5053.games 1 su.ip.point 1 ru.c-- 1 crimea.sysop 1 smolensk.sysop 1 mo.talk 1 ru.railways 1 su.kitchen 1 r46.crisis 1 ru.pretty.girls 1 ru.anarchy 1 real.siberian.valenok 1 ru.embedded 1 ru.ftn.develop 1 mo.sails 1 ru.fido&fsb 1 ru.sat.news 1 mo.tushino 1 ru.asm.win32 1 mun.public 1 ru.books.computing 1 5030-722.test 1 su.pol.free 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1953 Total Packets: 1862 Total Bundles: 4461 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 128 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 279.00 packets: 266.00 bundles: 637.29 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в Aug 123 00:05:07AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "31 Jul 23" to "06 Aug 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- syncdata 285 weather 240 politics 179 bbs_ads 140 rberrypi 128 cooking 70 recipes 60 bbs_promotion 53 home_cooking 52 elist 35 synchronet 25 sync_sysops 20 comp.lang.python 17 fidosoft.husky 13 othernets 10 fidonews 10 doorgames 9 fidotest 6 classic_computer 5 binkd 5 linux 4 memories 3 ls_arrl 3 ipv6 3 taglines 3 minister 3 mystic 2 utf-8 2 enet.sysop 1 win95 1 funny 1 ham 1 ftsc_public 1 bbs_carnival 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1391 Total Packets: 824 Total Bundles: 4461 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 34 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 198.71 packets: 117.71 bundles: 637.29 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в Aug 123 00:05:11AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "31 Jul 23" to "06 Aug 23" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- tg.varlamov_news 201 tg.v1_ru 200 tg.baza 158 tg.hinewschat 144 tg.war_gonzo 104 tg.mobilereviewcom 90 tg.mysku_discounts 60 fidonet.online 42 tg.za_telecom 41 tg.cyberleninka 24 tg.wingsofwar 24 tg.skolkovo_leaks 19 tg.englishfromzero 19 tg.dailyeng 15 tg.voenvz 13 tg.luchkov 9 tg.ekblaw 7 tg.evropa_inside 7 tg.dataleak 7 tg.aviation_mode 7 tg.digitalrightcenter 5 tg.varlamov_ru 5 tg.wow_english 4 tg.usher_ii 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1206 Total Packets: 396 Total Bundles: 4461 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 24 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 172.29 packets: 56.57 bundles: 637.29 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |