![]() |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в May 122 00:05:09AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "25 Apr 22" to "01 May 22" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- weather 246 syncdata 171 bbs_ads 98 recipes 55 home_cooking 55 fidonews 52 bbs_promotion 50 fidogazette 41 future4fido 37 rberrypi 30 politics 24 ebbauser.ger 16 synchronet 15 taglines 12 othernets 11 mystic 11 cbm 8 elist 8 minister 6 memories 6 ls_arrl 5 fn_sysop 5 binkd 5 doorgames 5 enet.sysop 5 fidocon.bleichenbach.1996 4 dbridge 4 funny 2 mbse 2 utf-8 1 movies 1 golded 1 fidosoft.ger 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 993 Total Packets: 556 Total Bundles: 5967 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 33 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 141.86 packets: 79.43 bundles: 852.43 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в May 122 00:05:12AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "25 Apr 22" to "01 May 22" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- tg.varlamov_news 294 tg.v1_ru 195 tg.tjournal 140 tg.hinewschat 139 tg.mobilereviewcom 109 tg.baza 86 tg.war_gonzo 80 tg.za_telecom 65 fidonet.online 61 tg.mysku_discounts 55 tg.englishfromzero 51 tg.wingsofwar 29 tg.cyberleninka 25 tg.skolkovo_leaks 25 tg.luchkov 16 tg.varlamov_ru 16 tg.aviation_mode 13 tg.digitalrightcenter 10 tg.dataleak 7 tg.ekblaw 6 tg.nevrotique 4 tg.usher_ii 3 tg.evropa_inside 2 tg.wow_english 1 tg.emm386 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1433 Total Packets: 369 Total Bundles: 5967 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 25 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 204.71 packets: 52.71 bundles: 852.43 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic RUS написал(а) к ll в May 122 00:05:05AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "02 May 22" to "08 May 22" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- su.hardw.other 516 ru.fidonet.today 449 r50.sysop.drunk 384 su.pol 344 titanic.pvt 230 ru.military 120 pvt.zona 61 starper.limited 32 su.os2.faq 30 crimea.talk 30 pushkin.local 29 ru.golded 23 ru.mac 20 hobbit.robot 18 r46.sysop 17 nino.046.local 15 ru.film 14 su.tormoz 14 ru.android 14 r50.sysop 12 ru.linux.chainik 10 ru.space.news 8 crimea.business 8 n5020.sysop.info 7 su.talks 7 su.cars 6 5015-255.local 6 ru.sex.condoms 6 ru.space 5 ru.snooker 5 ru.fidonet.digest 5 ru.fips 4 tver.talk 4 nsk.general 4 middle.range.rockets 3 ru.railways 3 n5020.fehubs 3 ru.coffee.club 3 n5020.sysop 3 r50.sysop.info 3 ru.windows.xp 3 su.books 2 n463.sysop 2 concord 2 n5053.common 2 n5053.public 2 r46.sysop.info 2 bel.general 2 su.medic 2 fidonet.history 2 elite.info 2 n5020.crisis 2 altyn.local 2 ru.aviation 2 ru.sex 2 spb.sysop.info 1 pvt.girls 1 ctpahhoe.mecto 1 n5053.user.shuher 1 ru.home 1 su.pol.free 1 ru.modem.nerds 1 humor.filtered 1 survival.guide 1 ru.sat.news 1 su.hardw.pc.motherboard 1 pclovers.bot 1 xsu.useless.faq 1 10.local 1 mo.sails 1 nsk.sysop 1 ru.microchip 1 r50.crisis 1 ru.kin-dza-dza 1 ru.anomalia 1 zone7 1 su.pilot 1 su.fidotech 1 mo.talk 1 ru.anti.army 1 ru.fido-pickup 1 ru.tourism 1 su.kaschenko.local 1 n5053.exchange.carburators 1 obec.3boh 1 ru.prank 1 spb.anime 1 su.chainik.general 1 ru.books.computing 1 ru.anekdot 1 ru.game.mmorpg 1 ru.sport.other 1 ip.talks 1 ru.binkd 1 n5053.user 1 ru.c-- 1 spb.sysop 1 su.ip.point 1 ru.ovnuh 1 8912.local 1 ru.military.navy 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 2552 Total Packets: 1929 Total Bundles: 5945 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 101 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 364.57 packets: 275.57 bundles: 849.29 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в May 122 00:05:09AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "02 May 22" to "08 May 22" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- weather 247 syncdata 193 bbs_ads 90 synchronet 73 bbs_carnival 62 home_cooking 60 recipes 60 fidonews 51 bbs_promotion 47 ebbauser.ger 35 rberrypi 32 elist 26 politics 23 enet.sysop 23 othernets 22 fn_sysop 21 fido_sysop 20 ipv6 18 cbm 12 taglines 12 mystic 7 memories 6 minister 6 win95 6 doorgames 6 fidogazette 6 mbse 6 golded 5 ls_arrl 4 binkd 4 movies 3 utf-8 1 dos 1 gun_control 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1189 Total Packets: 779 Total Bundles: 5945 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 34 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 169.86 packets: 111.29 bundles: 849.29 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в May 122 00:05:13AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "02 May 22" to "08 May 22" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- tg.v1_ru 217 tg.hinewschat 190 tg.varlamov_news 186 tg.tjournal 133 fidonet.online 71 tg.mobilereviewcom 63 tg.za_telecom 62 tg.mysku_discounts 61 tg.baza 58 tg.wingsofwar 53 tg.war_gonzo 53 tg.varlamov_ru 37 tg.cyberleninka 34 tg.englishfromzero 31 tg.nevrotique 17 tg.aviation_mode 16 tg.luchkov 16 tg.skolkovo_leaks 15 tg.dataleak 7 tg.ekblaw 6 tg.digitalrightcenter 3 tg.usher_ii 3 tg.wow_english 2 tg.evropa_inside 2 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1336 Total Packets: 381 Total Bundles: 5945 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 24 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 190.86 packets: 54.43 bundles: 849.29 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic RUS написал(а) к ll в May 122 00:05:04AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "09 May 22" to "15 May 22" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- ru.fidonet.today 506 su.hardw.other 452 su.pol 294 pvt.zona 226 ru.military 195 r50.sysop.drunk 181 r50.sysop 136 nino.046.local 128 su.general 121 ru.railways 62 crimea.talk 44 titanic.pvt 39 su.os2.faq 30 r46.sysop 22 middle.range.rockets 19 ru.mac 19 hobbit.robot 18 pushkin.local 18 ru.modem 15 su.medic 15 su.talks 15 su.hamradio 13 ru.windows.xp 13 concord 11 su.books 10 su.tormoz 10 ru.linux.chainik 10 su.chainik.general 9 5015-255.local 7 n5020.sysop.info 7 ru.sex.condoms 6 fidonet.history 6 xsu.useless.faq 6 bel.sysop 6 ru.binkd 5 crimea.business 5 ru.qico 5 r46.sysop.info 5 ru.aviation 4 ru.anti.army 4 mun.public 4 nino.120.local 3 n5020.fehubs 3 ru.modem.nerds 3 ru.fidonet.digest 3 ru.ovnuh 3 n5020.sysop 3 ru.tourism 3 r50.sysop.info 3 ru.coffee.club 3 nino.fidopoika 3 n5053.common 3 ru.pravoslavie.talk 3 ru.film 3 nsk.general 2 altyn.local 2 su.music 2 smr.general 2 n5053.job 2 n5020.crisis 2 10.local 2 elite.info 2 cb.radio 2 mo.talk 2 ru.golded 2 ctpahhoe.mecto 2 su.pilot 1 ru.fido-pickup 1 spb.sysop.info 1 r50.crisis 1 ru.sport.other 1 su.hardw.schemes 1 n5053.exchange 1 pvt.girls 1 ru.asm.win32 1 su.ip.point 1 n5053.mobile 1 ru.adsl 1 starper.limited 1 su.kitchen 1 spb.sysop 1 su.cars 1 lorapvt 1 ru.tramway 1 su.pol.free 1 starper.unlimited 1 ru.aon.modem 1 ru.books.computing 1 nsk.sysop 1 ru.snooker 1 su.formula1 1 spb.anime 1 ru.militarism 1 pvt.prool 1 pclovers.bot 1 8912.local 1 ru.home 1 ru.c-- 1 ru.anti-ment 1 n5053.randomize 1 ru.lingva_latina 1 mo.sails 1 humor.filtered 1 ru.military.navy 1 ru.microchip 1 ru.history 1 ru.world.war.ii 1 ru.game.mmorpg 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 2806 Total Packets: 2279 Total Bundles: 6941 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 108 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 400.86 packets: 325.57 bundles: 991.57 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в May 122 00:05:08AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "09 May 22" to "15 May 22" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- weather 264 bbs_carnival 242 syncdata 169 fidonews 95 bbs_ads 86 synchronet 70 fn_sysop 65 home_cooking 60 recipes 60 politics 48 bbs_promotion 46 mystic 38 ebbauser.ger 31 enet.sysop 23 cbm 14 memories 12 taglines 12 rberrypi 11 fidocon.bleichenbach.1996 9 othernets 8 ipv6 8 minister 6 binkd 4 ls_arrl 4 doorgames 3 aftershock 2 fidogazette 2 funny 1 utf-8 1 dbridge 1 bluewave 1 fido_sysop 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1397 Total Packets: 789 Total Bundles: 6941 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 32 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 199.57 packets: 112.71 bundles: 991.57 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в May 122 00:05:12AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "09 May 22" to "15 May 22" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- fidonet.online 1785 tg.v1_ru 223 tg.varlamov_news 193 tg.hinewschat 178 tg.tjournal 105 tg.za_telecom 80 tg.mobilereviewcom 80 tg.baza 76 tg.war_gonzo 65 tg.mysku_discounts 48 tg.englishfromzero 39 tg.skolkovo_leaks 34 tg.wingsofwar 28 tg.aviation_mode 25 tg.cyberleninka 25 tg.luchkov 24 tg.varlamov_ru 13 tg.nevrotique 11 tg.ekblaw 7 tg.dataleak 6 tg.digitalrightcenter 5 fidonet.unoficial 3 tg.evropa_inside 2 tg.wow_english 2 tg.usher_ii 2 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 3059 Total Packets: 976 Total Bundles: 6941 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 25 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 437.00 packets: 139.43 bundles: 991.57 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic RUS написал(а) к ll в May 122 00:05:04AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "16 May 22" to "22 May 22" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- su.pol 514 su.hardw.other 245 ru.military 201 pvt.zona 166 ru.fidonet.today 73 r50.sysop.drunk 61 ru.binkd 41 crimea.talk 38 titanic.pvt 31 su.os2.faq 30 pushkin.local 27 su.general 23 su.hamradio 21 r46.sysop 19 r50.sysop 19 nino.046.local 19 hobbit.robot 18 su.cars 13 su.kitchen 13 ru.linux 12 ru.pravoslavie.talk 11 middle.range.rockets 11 smr.general 9 su.music 8 8912.local 8 ru.unix.bsd 7 ctpahhoe.mecto 7 n5020.sysop.info 7 obec.3boh 7 ru.railways 7 su.medic 6 ru.sex.condoms 6 ru.fido&fsb 5 ru.android 5 crimea.business 5 5015-255.local 5 ru.fidonet.digest 4 ru.coffee.club 4 fidonet.history 4 ru.unix.ftn 4 ru.space 4 ru.ovnuh 3 n5020.fehubs 3 n5020.sysop 3 ru.mac 3 r50.sysop.info 3 5030-722.test 3 su.pol.free 3 concord 3 starper.limited 3 ru.esperanto 2 ru.anti.army 2 su.tormoz 2 n5053.common 2 tsk.bbs 2 n5020.crisis 2 n5053.randomize 2 5030-722.local 2 r46.sysop.info 2 ru.anti-ment 2 ru.fido-pickup 1 nsk.sysop 1 obec.pactet 1 ru.microchip 1 pvt.prool 1 hobbit.local 1 esperanto.rus 1 su.books 1 xsu.useless.faq 1 n5025.sysop 1 su.ip.point 1 ru.game.mmorpg 1 spb.sysop 1 ru.anekdot 1 ru.aviation 1 pvt.girls 1 ru.books.computing 1 ru.film 1 ru.linux.chainik 1 su.talks 1 5030-722.official 1 ru.military.navy 1 humor.filtered 1 ru.sat.news 1 ru.sport.other 1 mo.sails 1 r50.crisis 1 mo.talk 1 ru.golded 1 starper.unlimited 1 ru.photo 1 ru.prank 1 hobbit.test 1 spb.sysop.info 1 zone7 1 ru.sat 1 elite.info 1 10.local 1 ru.funny_story 1 ru.home 1 su.fidotech 1 ru.c-- 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1807 Total Packets: 1718 Total Bundles: 6114 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 102 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 258.14 packets: 245.43 bundles: 873.43 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в May 122 00:05:08AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "16 May 22" to "22 May 22" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- weather 319 syncdata 166 rberrypi 113 synchronet 106 bbs_ads 95 recipes 80 politics 74 home_cooking 71 bbs_promotion 38 bbs_carnival 33 fidonews 31 ebbauser.ger 20 ipv6 19 mystic 14 taglines 12 fn_sysop 11 othernets 10 dbridge 10 minister 6 memories 6 binkd 6 ls_arrl 4 classic_computer 3 fidogazette 3 fidocon.bleichenbach.1996 3 enet.sysop 3 mbse 2 cbm 2 amateur_radio 1 utf-8 1 doorgames 1 public_keys 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1264 Total Packets: 673 Total Bundles: 6114 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 32 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 180.57 packets: 96.14 bundles: 873.43 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |