![]() |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в May 121 00:05:09AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "10 May 21" to "16 May 21" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- weather 206 syncdata 204 home_cooking 165 recipes 146 politics 139 ebbauser.ger 116 cooking 78 bbs_ads 75 enet.sysop 70 g-misc 65 comp.lang.python 60 bbs_promotion 52 synchronet 44 fidosoft.husky 34 g-benelux 30 mystic 26 rec-radio-amat-dx 25 othernets 24 golded 21 elist 21 fn_sysop 18 binkd 18 alt-survival 15 rberrypi 14 fidonews 13 net_dev 12 os2.ger 12 utf-8 11 taglines 11 nodes.024 10 funny 9 internet 8 g-austral&nz 8 rec-radio-amat-digital 8 ipv6 7 bit-list-cath 6 os2 6 comp-freebsd-misc 5 fido_sysop 5 minister 4 movies 4 alt-bbs-wildcat 4 linux_bbs 4 memories 3 cbm 3 mbse 3 dbridge 3 ham 2 asian_link 2 regcon.eur 2 fidocon.bleichenbach.1996 2 g-german 2 comp.lang.python.announce 2 g-french 2 g-nordic 2 nola-gen 1 bbbs.english 1 muffin 1 rec-arts-sf-tv 1 tub 1 linux 1 ftsc_public 1 classic_computer 1 bbs_carnival 1 comp-solaris 1 english_tutor 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1852 Total Packets: 798 Total Bundles: 3435 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 66 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 264.57 packets: 114.00 bundles: 490.71 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в May 121 00:05:12AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "10 May 21" to "16 May 21" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- tg.hinewschat 161 tg.v1_ru 135 tg.tjournal 123 tg.mysku_discounts 113 tg.za_telecom 67 tg.baza 65 tg.mobilereviewcom 63 fidonet.online 54 tg.englishfromzero 51 tg.war_gonzo 51 tg.varlamov_news 47 tg.wingsofwar 42 tg.cyberleninka 25 tg.luchkov 22 tg.aviation_mode 18 tg.skolkovo_leaks 13 tg.digitalrightcenter 9 tg.ekblaw 8 tg.varlamov_ru 7 tg.dataleak 5 tg.usher_ii 5 tg.nevrotique 4 tg.wow_english 2 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1090 Total Packets: 493 Total Bundles: 3435 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 23 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 155.71 packets: 70.43 bundles: 490.71 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic RUS написал(а) к ll в May 121 00:05:04AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "17 May 21" to "23 May 21" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- su.pol 499 pushkin.local 485 su.hardw.other 207 su.cars 85 crimea.talk 82 r50.sysop.drunk 67 ru.military 58 nino.046.local 47 ru.linux 44 pvt.zona 37 obec.3boh 31 su.os2.faq 30 su.hardw.schemes 20 ru.fidonet.today 20 su.medic 18 hobbit.robot 18 ru.unix.bsd 15 altyn.local 11 ru.mac 9 su.hamradio 8 smr.general 7 ru.fidonet.digest 7 ru.film 7 su.books 6 5015-255.local 6 ru.windows 6 su.music 6 crimea.business 6 su.tormoz 6 starper.limited 4 elite.info 4 ru.spartak.moscow 4 n5020.fehubs 3 ru.railways 3 fidonet.history 3 su.pol.theory 3 n5020.sysop 3 su.pol.history 3 n5020.sysop.info 3 r50.sysop.info 3 ru.subway 2 ru.space 2 ru.aviation 2 obec.pactet 2 pushkin.rss.easyelectronics.ru 2 r46.sysop.info 2 715.echo 2 starper.unlimited 2 n5020.sysop.club 2 5030-722.local 2 n5020.crisis 2 r46.sysop 2 su.talks 2 ru.home 2 ru.pravoslavie.talk 2 ru.husky 2 cb.radio 2 ru.golded 1 5030-722.test 1 mo.sails 1 su.pol.free 1 ru.books.computing 1 10.local 1 ru.microchip 1 humor.filtered 1 ru.c-- 1 ru.anecdot 1 ru.windows.xp 1 su.pilot 1 su.general 1 spb.sysop 1 ru.blockchain 1 ru.sport.other 1 5030-722.official 1 spb.sysop.info 1 su.game 1 ru.binkd 1 xsu.useless.faq 1 r50.crisis 1 n463.sysop 1 ru.space.news 1 android.unlimited 1 ru.shell.dn 1 ru.military.navy 1 r50.sysop 1 ru.linux.chainik 1 mo.talk 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1948 Total Packets: 1475 Total Bundles: 6318 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 87 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 278.29 packets: 210.71 bundles: 902.57 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в May 121 00:05:07AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "17 May 21" to "23 May 21" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- politics 314 weather 279 syncdata 188 recipes 135 home_cooking 126 ebbauser.ger 84 bbs_ads 83 comp.lang.python 78 bbs_promotion 65 cooking 63 fn_sysop 61 alt-survival 59 binkd 42 enet.sysop 39 g-benelux 35 ipv6 27 othernets 21 rec-radio-amat-dx 19 os2.ger 16 ms-vb-discus 15 synchronet 13 taglines 11 funny 10 fidonews 10 bit-list-cath 9 mbse 9 fidosoft.husky 8 g-austral&nz 6 fidogazette 6 golded 6 dbridge 6 memories 5 rec-arts-sf-movies 5 fido_sysop 4 minister 4 cbm 4 alt-bbs-wildcat 4 rec-radio-amat-digital 4 english_tutor 3 rberrypi 3 spiele.ger 3 mystic 3 comp.lang.python.announce 3 nodes.024 2 asian_link 2 elist 2 nfl 2 ham 2 rec-arts-sf-tv 2 g-hispanic 1 pgmrs.ger 1 internet 1 linux 1 guitar 1 amateur_radio 1 utf-8 1 g-misc 1 g-german 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1909 Total Packets: 871 Total Bundles: 6318 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 58 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 272.71 packets: 124.43 bundles: 902.57 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в May 121 00:05:10AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "17 May 21" to "23 May 21" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- tg.hinewschat 194 tg.tjournal 155 tg.mysku_discounts 132 tg.v1_ru 124 tg.mobilereviewcom 71 tg.za_telecom 64 fidonet.online 61 tg.baza 56 tg.englishfromzero 45 tg.luchkov 40 tg.varlamov_news 39 tg.wingsofwar 39 tg.cyberleninka 29 tg.aviation_mode 22 tg.war_gonzo 17 tg.skolkovo_leaks 17 tg.varlamov_ru 10 tg.ekblaw 9 tg.dataleak 9 tg.digitalrightcenter 8 tg.wow_english 3 tg.evropa_inside 2 tg.usher_ii 2 tg.nevrotique 1 tg.emm386 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1150 Total Packets: 497 Total Bundles: 6318 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 25 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 164.29 packets: 71.00 bundles: 902.57 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в May 121 00:05:09AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "24 May 21" to "30 May 21" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- politics 303 weather 283 syncdata 205 comp.lang.python 173 cooking 142 recipes 120 home_cooking 85 bbs_ads 72 bbs_promotion 61 ebbauser.ger 52 synchronet 42 funny 37 g-benelux 26 enet.sysop 21 alt-survival 21 rec-radio-amat-dx 19 fn_sysop 18 ms-vb-discus 15 ipv6 12 elist 12 taglines 11 othernets 11 fidonews 9 mystic 9 alt-bbs-wildcat 8 fidogazette 7 g-austral&nz 7 comp-solaris 7 rberrypi 7 g-misc 6 bit-list-cath 6 cbm 5 memories 5 binkd 5 fidosoft.husky 5 comp.sys.amiga.misc 4 comp-freebsd-announce 4 asian_link 4 rec-radio-amat-digital 4 win95 4 mbse 3 nodes.024 2 rec-arts-sf-movies 2 minister 2 classic_computer 2 pgmrs.ger 2 rec-arts-sf-tv 1 english_tutor 1 g-hispanic 1 survivor 1 comp.lang.java.programmer 1 abled 1 utf-8 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1867 Total Packets: 778 Total Bundles: 7633 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 53 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 266.71 packets: 111.14 bundles: 1090.43 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic RUS написал(а) к ll в May 121 00:05:06AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "24 May 21" to "30 May 21" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- su.pol 789 pushkin.local 565 su.hardw.other 148 crimea.talk 97 ru.military 96 nino.046.local 43 r50.sysop.drunk 40 pvt.zona 36 starper.limited 35 su.hardw.schemes 34 su.os2.faq 30 hobbit.robot 18 su.tormoz 13 su.cars 12 altyn.local 12 ru.husky 10 ru.fidonet.today 9 spb.sysop 8 nodex.local 7 n5020.sysop.info 6 ru.aviation 6 ru.windows.xp 6 5015-255.local 6 lorapvt 6 xsu.useless.faq 6 crimea.business 6 ru.space 5 ru.anti-ment 5 su.pol.history 4 su.pilot 4 ru.space.news 4 fidonet.history 4 su.c_cpp 4 n5020.sysop 3 elite.info 3 r50.sysop.info 3 ru.linux 3 pvt.prool 3 ru.fidonet.digest 3 ru.linux.chainik 3 ru.windows 3 ru.blockchain 3 n5020.fehubs 3 ru.weapon 3 ru.mac 2 10.local 2 ru.film 2 ru.sport.other 2 su.hamradio 2 ru.military.navy 2 n5020.crisis 2 ru.sat.news 2 su.philosophy 2 r46.sysop.info 2 ru.asm.win32 1 ru.subway 1 ru.books.computing 1 ru.anecdot 1 ru.cpp 1 ru.tramway 1 su.pol.free 1 spb.sysop.info 1 ru.binkd 1 su.books 1 r46.sysop 1 su.general 1 su.game 1 cb.radio 1 ru.c-- 1 r50.crisis 1 ru.aon.modem 1 obec.pactet 1 54.local 1 mo.sails 1 ru.snooker 1 humor.filtered 1 ru.anomalia 1 ru.adsl 1 715.echo 1 r50.sysop 1 ru.microchip 1 mo.talk 1 r46.talks 1 ru.anti.army 1 ru.pictures.psevdo.graf 1 ru.home 1 n463.sysop 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 2160 Total Packets: 1666 Total Bundles: 7633 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 87 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 308.57 packets: 238.00 bundles: 1090.43 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в May 121 00:05:14AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "24 May 21" to "30 May 21" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- tg.hinewschat 273 tg.tjournal 186 tg.mysku_discounts 129 fidonet.online 127 tg.v1_ru 125 tg.mobilereviewcom 76 tg.za_telecom 61 tg.varlamov_news 53 tg.englishfromzero 50 tg.baza 45 tg.aviation_mode 38 tg.cyberleninka 28 tg.war_gonzo 26 tg.wingsofwar 25 tg.skolkovo_leaks 21 tg.varlamov_ru 18 tg.luchkov 18 tg.digitalrightcenter 10 tg.dataleak 8 tg.ekblaw 7 tg.usher_ii 5 tg.evropa_inside 3 tg.wow_english 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1333 Total Packets: 566 Total Bundles: 7633 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 23 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 190.43 packets: 80.86 bundles: 1090.43 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic RUS написал(а) к ll в Jun 121 00:05:05AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "31 May 21" to "06 Jun 21" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- pushkin.local 656 su.pol 466 su.hardw.other 383 crimea.talk 88 su.hardw.schemes 78 nino.046.local 76 ru.fidonet.today 46 ru.military 38 su.os2.faq 32 ru.windows.xp 25 r50.sysop.drunk 23 pvt.zona 22 starper.limited 21 su.chainik 21 ru.unix.bsd 18 hobbit.robot 18 ru.space 14 su.general 13 altyn.local 9 su.tormoz 9 r50.sysop.talk 8 n5020.sysop.info 8 su.cars 8 ru.aviation 8 crimea.business 7 5015-255.local 7 cb.radio 6 ru.binkd 6 spb.sysop 6 ru.blockchain 6 ru.mac 5 su.pol.history 5 ru.anti-ment 5 r50.sysop.info 4 n5053.sysop 4 ru.game.doom 4 su.music 4 obec.3boh 3 ru.film 3 n5020.sysop 3 middle.range.rockets 3 ru.golded 3 n5020.fehubs 3 r46.sysop.info 3 ru.snooker 3 survival.guide 3 roo.test 2 elite.info 2 ru.bee.music 2 ru.military.navy 2 n5020.crisis 2 ru.python 2 fidonet.history 2 ru.fidonet.digest 2 hobbit.test 2 10.local 2 5030-722.local 2 ru.space.news 2 ru.c-- 1 58.test 1 guitar.songs.filtered 1 ru.windows 1 crimea.sysop 1 spb.sysop.info 1 ru.tourism 1 ru.atheism 1 ru.home 1 obec.filtered 1 su.game 1 ru.fido.internet 1 real.siberian.valenok 1 n5053.user 1 ru.pretty.girls 1 ru.rails 1 ru.railways 1 mo.talk 1 mo.sails 1 r46.crisis 1 crimea.black.log 1 ru.prank 1 n5053.networks 1 ru.sat 1 su.tolkien 1 ru.wardrive 1 ru.weapon 1 smolensk.sysop 1 ru.fido&fsb 1 58.local 1 ru.allergy 1 ru.fido.www 1 ru.music.ddt 1 lucky.gate 1 5015-255.forwards 1 ru.onanizm 1 rus.news 1 n5053.user.shuher 1 su.pol.free 1 su.fidotech 1 ru.lhp 1 r50.crisis 1 ru.microchip 1 n463.sysop 1 n5025.sysop 1 ru.embedded 1 ru.books.computing 1 zone7 1 su.books 1 r50.hubs 1 pvt.prool 1 54.local 1 n5053.points 1 ru.spartak.moscow 1 mo.tushino 1 ru.sport.other 1 n5053.cars 1 n5053.common 1 ru.husky 1 ru.android 1 su.windows 1 obec.pactet 1 ru.anarchy 1 ru.anti.army 1 n5053.unix 1 humor.filtered 1 n5053.games 1 crimea.info 1 r50.sysop 1 n5020.new.nodes 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 2278 Total Packets: 1684 Total Bundles: 6333 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 128 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 325.43 packets: 240.57 bundles: 904.71 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в Jun 121 00:05:09AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "31 May 21" to "06 Jun 21" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- syncdata 298 weather 249 recipes 135 comp.lang.python 131 home_cooking 110 cooking 103 bbs_ads 96 politics 79 bbs_promotion 60 elist 56 ebbauser.ger 50 alt-survival 46 fn_sysop 29 g-benelux 22 rec-radio-amat-dx 21 synchronet 19 funny 18 taglines 16 cbm 15 fidonews 14 fido_sysop 13 othernets 13 bbbs.english 12 asian_link 11 rec-arts-sf-tv 10 ms-vb-discus 10 rec-radio-amat-digital 8 railfan 8 fidogazette 8 alt-bbs-wildcat 7 dbridge 7 g-misc 7 binkd 6 g-austral&nz 6 bbs_carnival 6 enet.sysop 6 linux 6 bit-list-cath 6 english_tutor 5 trek 5 rec-arts-sf-movies 4 comp-solaris 4 mbse 4 comp.lang.python.announce 3 test 3 minister 3 os2 3 mystic 2 g-britain 2 golded 2 comp-freebsd-misc 2 nodes.024 2 utf-8 2 fidotest 1 doorgames 1 abled 1 ibbsdoor 1 amiga 1 ipv6 1 comp.sys.amiga.misc 1 linux_bbs 1 pkey_drop 1 rberrypi 1 ftsc_public 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1774 Total Packets: 803 Total Bundles: 6333 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 64 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 253.43 packets: 114.71 bundles: 904.71 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |