![]() |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в Aug 120 00:05:10AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "03 Aug 20" to "09 Aug 20" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- weather 287 syncdata 264 alt-survival 221 comp.lang.python 173 recipes 171 rec-arts-sf-tv 160 g-benelux 152 cooking 136 bbs_ads 114 bbs_promotion 79 rec-radio-amat-dx 60 fidonews 49 politics 42 synchronet 41 ipv6 40 rberrypi 29 english_tutor 27 othernets 21 fidogazette 19 ms-vb-discus 18 elist 17 dbridge 15 bit-list-cath 15 memories 15 mystic 15 taglines 13 linux 13 os2 11 enthral 9 fidocon.bleichenbach.1996 7 rec-arts-sf-movies 7 fidosoft.husky 7 windows 7 talk-phi-mis 7 minister 7 bbs_carnival 7 g-britain 6 comp-os2-misc 6 comp-freebsd-announce 5 g-german 5 asian_link 4 nodes.024 4 binkd 4 enet.sysop 3 cbm 3 comp.lang.python.announce 3 hotdoged 3 aftershock 3 spiele.ger 3 doorgames 2 trek 2 ham 2 rec-radio-amat-digital 2 fidosoft.ger 2 gunsnsuch 1 ibbsdoor 1 g-hispanic 1 comp-freebsd-misc 1 g-italian 1 linux_bbs 1 ftsc_public 1 utf-8 1 amateur_radio 1 rec-models-railroad 1 survivor 1 fn_sysop 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 2349 Total Packets: 716 Total Bundles: 6910 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 66 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 335.57 packets: 102.29 bundles: 987.14 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в Aug 120 00:05:16AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "03 Aug 20" to "09 Aug 20" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- tg.hinewschat 333 fidonet.online 279 tg.tjournal 185 tg.mysku_discounts 129 tg.v1_ru 124 tg.varlamov_news 117 tg.wingsofwar 83 tg.mobilereviewcom 82 tg.war_gonzo 74 tg.englishfromzero 67 tg.nevrotique 59 tg.baza 52 tg.za_telecom 47 tg.cyberleninka 43 tg.aviation_mode 38 tg.skolkovo_leaks 26 tg.luchkov 19 tg.digitalrightcenter 14 tg.varlamov_ru 14 tg.dataleak 13 tg.ekblaw 11 tg.evropa_inside 7 tg.wow_english 4 tg.usher_ii 4 tg.capt404 3 tg.dailyeng 2 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1829 Total Packets: 820 Total Bundles: 6907 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 26 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 261.29 packets: 117.14 bundles: 986.71 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic RUS написал(а) к ll в Aug 120 00:05:05AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "10 Aug 20" to "16 Aug 20" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- su.hardw.other 480 su.pol 413 su.general 111 pvt.zona 91 r50.sysop.drunk 89 pushkin.local 54 altyn.local 50 ru.home 47 obec.3boh 42 ru.dogs 36 ru.fidonet.today 32 ru.military 31 su.os2.faq 20 r50.sysop 19 hobbit.robot 18 starper.limited 18 starper.unlimited 15 nino.046.local 13 5030-722.test 13 r46.sysop 10 su.chainik 10 1641.local 9 5030-722.local 9 crimea.business 7 n5020.sysop.info 6 fidonet.history 6 crimea.talk 6 5015-255.local 6 elite.info 4 su.tormoz 4 titanic.pvt 4 obec.pactet 4 ru.aviation 4 ru.sat.news 4 ru.coffee.club 4 su.pilot 3 r50.sysop.info 3 8912.local 3 r46.sysop.info 3 su.music 3 n5020.sysop 3 n5020.fehubs 3 nozdr.local 2 ru.space 2 n5020.crisis 2 tyt.bce.hacpem 2 ru.unix 2 ru.blockchain 2 su.ip.point 2 su.books 2 tabepha 2 su.pol.history 2 ru.railways 2 orel.test 2 su.pol.theory 2 ru.fidonet.digest 1 ru.militarism 1 hobbit.test 1 pvt.girls 1 ru.windows.xp 1 r46.crisis 1 ru.embedded 1 ru.c-- 1 mo.golyanovo 1 su.pol.free 1 ru.military.navy 1 ru.binkd 1 10.local 1 n5053.mobile 1 n5053.exchange 1 ru.microchip 1 humor.filtered 1 su.game 1 n5053.job 1 crimea.info 1 mo.talk 1 n5053.randomize 1 ru.history 1 ru.coca-cola 1 ru.tea-coffee 1 ru.photo 1 ru.husky 1 ru.bbsnews 1 mo.sails 1 r50.crisis 1 crimea.sysop 1 wit.local 1 su.os2 1 n463.sysop 1 su.cars 1 crimea.black.log 1 ru.world.war.ii 1 ru.hutor.filtered 1 ru.sport.other 1 ru.books.computing 1 ru.lingva_latina 1 survival.guide 1 ru.space.news 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1779 Total Packets: 1300 Total Bundles: 7107 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 98 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 254.14 packets: 185.71 bundles: 1015.29 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в Aug 120 00:05:10AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "10 Aug 20" to "16 Aug 20" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- weather 235 syncdata 162 recipes 140 cooking 128 synchronet 118 comp.lang.python 104 alt-survival 92 bbs_ads 81 politics 69 rberrypi 68 bbs_promotion 57 g-benelux 37 fidonews 36 fidogazette 25 othernets 20 rec-radio-amat-dx 18 rec-arts-sf-movies 15 ham 13 nodes.024 13 windows 13 rec-arts-sf-tv 10 g-britain 10 taglines 8 enet.sysop 7 bit-list-cath 6 minister 6 linux 6 memories 6 funny 5 english_tutor 5 comp.lang.python.announce 4 binkd 4 mystic 3 doorgames 3 trek 2 comp.lang.java.programmer 2 rec-radio-amat-digital 2 enthral 2 bbs_carnival 1 cforsale 1 golded 1 fidosoft.ger 1 fido_sysop 1 cbm 1 comp-freebsd-misc 1 ftsc_public 1 fn_sysop 1 aftershock 1 spiele.ger 1 utf-8 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1547 Total Packets: 531 Total Bundles: 7107 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 50 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 221.00 packets: 75.86 bundles: 1015.29 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в Aug 120 00:05:15AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "10 Aug 20" to "16 Aug 20" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- fidonet.online 832 tg.varlamov_news 360 tg.hinewschat 309 tg.tjournal 247 tg.v1_ru 136 tg.mobilereviewcom 103 tg.baza 96 tg.za_telecom 91 tg.mysku_discounts 79 tg.varlamov_ru 62 tg.wingsofwar 54 tg.war_gonzo 52 tg.nevrotique 46 tg.englishfromzero 41 tg.cyberleninka 25 tg.skolkovo_leaks 19 tg.aviation_mode 17 tg.digitalrightcenter 12 tg.dataleak 9 tg.ekblaw 9 tg.evropa_inside 7 tg.luchkov 5 tg.usher_ii 4 tg.capt404 3 tg.wow_english 2 tg.emm386 2 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 2622 Total Packets: 1402 Total Bundles: 7105 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 26 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 374.57 packets: 200.29 bundles: 1015.00 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic RUS написал(а) к ll в Aug 120 00:05:06AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "17 Aug 20" to "23 Aug 20" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- su.pol 754 su.hardw.other 334 pvt.zona 194 pushkin.local 142 r50.sysop.drunk 52 su.os2.faq 48 ru.military 46 ru.fidonet.today 40 su.general 36 altyn.local 20 hobbit.robot 15 r50.sysop 12 n5020.sysop 12 su.medic 10 su.chainik 8 ru.fidonet.digest 8 tula.talk 8 ru.sat.news 6 5015-255.local 6 ru.home 6 crimea.business 6 crimea.talk 6 n5020.sysop.info 5 ru.dogs 5 nino.046.local 5 fidonet.history 4 ru.unix.bsd 4 ru.military.navy 4 r50.sysop.info 3 starper.unlimited 3 ru.coffee.club 3 elite.info 3 5030-722.test 3 su.pol.theory 3 nsk.general 3 roo.test 3 su.cars 3 su.tormoz 3 1641.local 3 orel.test 2 ru.aviation 2 ru.space 2 ru.blockchain 2 su.books 2 tyt.bce.hacpem 2 survival.guide 2 r46.sysop.info 2 n5020.crisis 2 ru.snooker 2 su.os2.prog 1 ru.aon.modem 1 ru.anekdot 1 starper.limited 1 su.os2.marginal 1 ru.books.computing 1 ru.c-- 1 fe-city 1 su.pol.history 1 smr.general 1 stv.cars 1 su.os2.apps 1 su.ip.point 1 su.os2.beta 1 su.os2.wanted 1 mo.sails 1 ru.film 1 n463.sysop 1 su.os2.src 1 su.os2.team 1 ru.railways 1 zx.spectrum 1 ru.sport.other 1 ru.coca-cola 1 su.os2.news 1 ru.prank 1 klg.talk 1 su.music 1 pvt.girls 1 tabepha 1 ru.asm.win32 1 su.comp.old 1 n5020.new.nodes 1 ru.alt.energy 1 su.pol.free 1 ru.microchip 1 ru.adsl 1 humor.filtered 1 ru.binkd 1 su.pilot 1 su.os2.faq.d 1 su.os2.comm 1 su.os2 1 mo.talk 1 su.os2.drv 1 r50.crisis 1 n5020.fehubs 1 smr.sysop 1 ru.game.mmorpg 1 8912.local 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1899 Total Packets: 1198 Total Bundles: 7823 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 99 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 271.29 packets: 171.14 bundles: 1117.57 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в Aug 120 00:05:12AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "17 Aug 20" to "23 Aug 20" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- weather 203 syncdata 166 alt-survival 145 comp.lang.python 138 recipes 125 rberrypi 116 cooking 112 g-benelux 96 fidonews 87 bbs_ads 78 synchronet 71 bbs_promotion 58 politics 57 rec-radio-amat-dx 28 othernets 19 cbm 18 g-britain 16 linux 15 mystic 14 ham 11 taglines 10 ms-vb-discus 10 funny 10 nodes.024 9 g-computing 8 memories 7 minister 7 bit-list-cath 7 enet.sysop 7 fn_sysop 6 survivor 5 rec-arts-sf-tv 4 rec-radio-amat-digital 4 binkd 4 irex 4 comp.lang.python.announce 3 english_tutor 2 os2 2 talk-phi-mis 2 comp.lang.java.softwaretools 2 comp.lang.java.programmer 2 alt-bbs-wwiv 2 python 1 doorgames 1 comp-os2-misc 1 fidogazette 1 alt-radio-oldtime 1 hotdoged 1 utf-8 1 dbridge 1 alt-bbs-general 1 bbs_carnival 1 windows 1 comp.sys.amiga.misc 1 automotive 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1703 Total Packets: 473 Total Bundles: 7823 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 55 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 243.29 packets: 67.57 bundles: 1117.57 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в Aug 120 00:05:20AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "17 Aug 20" to "23 Aug 20" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- fidonet.online 705 tg.tjournal 227 tg.hinewschat 183 tg.varlamov_news 174 tg.v1_ru 129 tg.mysku_discounts 116 tg.mobilereviewcom 86 tg.za_telecom 73 tg.baza 51 tg.war_gonzo 43 tg.englishfromzero 43 tg.wingsofwar 42 tg.nevrotique 39 tg.cyberleninka 31 tg.varlamov_ru 23 tg.aviation_mode 21 tg.skolkovo_leaks 20 tg.luchkov 16 tg.digitalrightcenter 15 tg.dataleak 13 tg.usher_ii 9 tg.evropa_inside 8 tg.ekblaw 8 tg.wow_english 6 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 2081 Total Packets: 1097 Total Bundles: 7823 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 24 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 297.29 packets: 156.71 bundles: 1117.57 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic Telegram написал(а) к ll в Aug 120 00:05:13AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "24 Aug 20" to "30 Aug 20" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- fidonet.online 412 tg.tjournal 175 tg.hinewschat 172 tg.mysku_discounts 161 tg.v1_ru 116 tg.varlamov_news 86 tg.wingsofwar 81 tg.mobilereviewcom 70 tg.nevrotique 47 tg.za_telecom 40 tg.englishfromzero 40 tg.baza 38 tg.cyberleninka 29 tg.skolkovo_leaks 28 tg.aviation_mode 27 tg.war_gonzo 17 tg.digitalrightcenter 16 tg.luchkov 15 tg.dataleak 9 tg.wow_english 7 tg.ekblaw 7 tg.varlamov_ru 6 tg.evropa_inside 5 tg.usher_ii 3 tg.dailyeng 1 tg.emm386 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1609 Total Packets: 744 Total Bundles: 6608 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 26 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 229.86 packets: 106.29 bundles: 944.00 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |
Echomail traffic ENG написал(а) к ll в Aug 120 00:05:08AA по местному времени:
Echomail traffic from "24 Aug 20" to "30 Aug 20" (7 days). Echoarea Posts ------------------------- ------- weather 282 synchronet 225 comp.lang.python 214 recipes 145 syncdata 144 alt-survival 125 g-benelux 102 cooking 94 rberrypi 92 bbs_ads 75 bbs_promotion 53 bbs_carnival 42 mystic 32 rec-radio-amat-dx 26 rec-arts-sf-tv 26 othernets 22 fidogazette 20 enet.sysop 20 fidonews 16 ms-vb-discus 14 funny 11 g-britain 10 taglines 8 linux 7 bit-list-cath 7 nodes.024 7 g-austral&nz 6 minister 5 aftershock 5 public_keys 5 memories 5 survivor 4 binkd 4 politics 4 ham 4 ml_baseball 4 alt-bbs-wwiv 3 comp.lang.python.announce 3 trek 3 comp.lang.java.programmer 2 windows 2 fidocon.bleichenbach.1996 2 comp-solaris 2 utf-8 1 g-misc 1 spiele.ger 1 english_tutor 1 rec-radio-amat-digital 1 comp.lang.java.softwaretools 1 os2 1 ------------------------- ------- Total Messages: 1889 Total Packets: 555 Total Bundles: 6611 ------------------------- ------- Total echoes processed: 50 ------------------------- ------- Average through-put per day: messages: 269.86 packets: 79.29 bundles: 944.43 --- Txt2Pkt utility 1.9 |