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husky inspector написал(а) к All в Jul 15 01:00:20 по местному времени:
Updated file: hpt/make/makefile.inc in current branch revision: 1.20; date: 2015/06/30 13:08:36; committed by dukelsky; lines: +29 -29 Log message: FIX: linking file sequence was changed. Patch by Max Vasilyev 2:5057/77 ============ Updated file: htick/makefile.inc in current branch revision: 1.6; date: 2015/06/30 13:09:28; committed by dukelsky; lines: +19 -19 Log message: FIX: linking file sequence was changed. Patch by Max Vasilyev 2:5057/77 ============ Updated file: huskylib/huskylib/EMX.h in current branch revision: 1.13; date: 2015/06/30 13:12:51; committed by dukelsky; lines: +2 -2 Log message: FIX: hpt hanged sometimes. Patch by Max Vasilyev 2:5057/77 ============ Updated file: msged/maintmsg.c in current branch revision: 1.9; date: 2015/06/30 08:42:54; committed by dukelsky; lines: +47 -2 Log message: FIX: already sent netmail was sent again. Patch by Markus Reschke 2:240/1661 ------------ Updated file: msged/maintmsg.c in stable branch revision:; date: 2015/06/30 08:43:44; committed by dukelsky; lines: +47 -2 Log message: FIX: already sent netmail was sent again. Patch by Markus Reschke 2:240/1661 ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Jul 15 01:00:42 по местному времени:
Updated file: hpt/misc/showold.pl in current branch revision: 1.4; date: 2015-07-02 15:30:59+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +16 -12 Log message: FIX: fidoconfig variables are checked more accurately ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Aug 15 01:00:30 по местному времени:
Updated file: fidoconf/doc/fidoconfig.texi in current branch revision: 1.42; date: 2015-08-08 15:31:37+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +31 -61 Log message: FIX: .texi files were updated for texinfo ver.5+. Bug report by Alexander N. Skovpen 2:5020/9696 ------------ Updated file: fidoconf/doc/fidoconfig.texi in stable branch revision:; date: 2015-08-08 19:55:14+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +3 -3 Log message: FIX: .texi files were updated for texinfo ver.5+. Bug report by Alexander N. Skovpen 2:5020/9696 ============ Updated file: fidoconf/doc/proposal.texi in current branch revision: 1.162; date: 2015-08-08 15:31:37+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +3 -6 Log message: FIX: .texi files were updated for texinfo ver.5+. Bug report by Alexander N. Skovpen 2:5020/9696 ------------ Updated file: fidoconf/doc/proposal.texi in stable branch revision:; date: 2015-08-08 19:55:14+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +3 -4 Log message: FIX: .texi files were updated for texinfo ver.5+. Bug report by Alexander N. Skovpen 2:5020/9696 ============ Updated file: fidoconf/doc/rus/fidoconfig.texi in current branch revision: 1.6; date: 2015-08-08 15:31:37+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +3 -3 Log message: FIX: .texi files were updated for texinfo ver.5+. Bug report by Alexander N. Skovpen 2:5020/9696 ------------ Updated file: fidoconf/doc/rus/fidoconfig.texi in stable branch revision:; date: 2015-08-08 19:55:15+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +3 -3 Log message: FIX: .texi files were updated for texinfo ver.5+. Bug report by Alexander N. Skovpen 2:5020/9696 ============ Updated file: fidoconf/doc/rus/proposal.texi in current branch revision: 1.9; date: 2015-08-08 15:31:37+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +3 -4 Log message: FIX: .texi files were updated for texinfo ver.5+. Bug report by Alexander N. Skovpen 2:5020/9696 ------------ Updated file: fidoconf/doc/rus/proposal.texi in stable branch revision:; date: 2015-08-08 19:55:15+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +3 -4 Log message: FIX: .texi files were updated for texinfo ver.5+. Bug report by Alexander N. Skovpen 2:5020/9696 ============ Updated file: hpt/doc/hpt.texi in current branch revision: 1.187; date: 2015-08-08 15:31:37+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +36 -55 Log message: FIX: .texi files were updated for texinfo ver.5+. Bug report by Alexander N. Skovpen 2:5020/9696 ------------ Updated file: hpt/doc/hpt.texi in stable branch revision:; date: 2015-08-08 19:55:15+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +34 -29 Log message: FIX: .texi files were updated for texinfo ver.5+. Bug report by Alexander N. Skovpen 2:5020/9696 ============ Updated file: htick/doc/htick.rus.texi in current branch revision: 1.9; date: 2015-08-08 15:31:38+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +5 -6 Log message: FIX: .texi files were updated for texinfo ver.5+. Bug report by Alexander N. Skovpen 2:5020/9696 ------------ Updated file: htick/doc/htick.rus.texi in stable branch revision:; date: 2015-08-08 19:55:15+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +4 -5 Log message: FIX: .texi files were updated for texinfo ver.5+. Bug report by Alexander N. Skovpen 2:5020/9696 ============ Updated file: htick/doc/htick.texi in current branch revision: 1.40; date: 2015-08-08 15:31:38+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +47 -75 Log message: FIX: .texi files were updated for texinfo ver.5+. Bug report by Alexander N. Skovpen 2:5020/9696 ------------ Updated file: htick/doc/htick.texi in stable branch revision:; date: 2015-08-08 19:55:15+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +5 -6 Log message: FIX: .texi files were updated for texinfo ver.5+. Bug report by Alexander N. Skovpen 2:5020/9696 ============ Updated file: msged/doc/manual/msged.texi in stable branch revision:; date: 2015-08-08 19:55:15+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +44 -43 Log message: FIX: .texi files were updated for texinfo ver.5+. Bug report by Alexander N. Skovpen 2:5020/9696 ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Aug 15 01:00:24 по местному времени:
Updated file: msged/doc/manual/msged.texi in current branch revision: 1.61; date: 2015-08-09 09:56:49+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +45 -47 Log message: FIX: .texi files were updated for texinfo ver.5+. Bug report by Alexander N. Skovpen 2:5020/9696 ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Aug 15 01:00:20 по местному времени:
Updated file: fidoconf/src/tparser.c in current branch revision: 1.70; date: 2015-08-15 19:31:08+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +2 -2 Log message: FIX: tparser -E crashed ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Aug 15 01:00:20 по местному времени:
Updated file: fidoconf/doc/fidoconfig.texi in current branch revision: 1.43; date: 2015-08-17 16:49:03+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +52 -24 Log message: FIX: Restore erroneously deleted text ============ Updated file: hpt/doc/hpt.texi in current branch revision: 1.188; date: 2015-08-17 19:34:48+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +32 -18 Log message: FIX: Restore erroneously deleted text ============ Updated file: htick/doc/htick.texi in current branch revision: 1.41; date: 2015-08-17 19:59:38+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +70 -43 Log message: FIX: Restore erroneously deleted text ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Aug 15 01:00:18 по местному времени:
Updated file: hpt/misc/hptstat.cmd in current branch revision: 1.1; date: 2015-08-25 08:12:20+00; committed by dukelsky; Log message: Echo statistics from hpt log in Windows. By Stas Mischenkov 2:460/58 ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Aug 15 01:00:20 по местному времени:
Updated file: fidoconf/src/tparser.c in current branch revision: 1.71; date: 2015-08-26 19:17:20+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +1 -3 Log message: Remove empty lines from tparser log. Patch by Max Vasilyev 2:5057/77 ============ Updated file: hpt/misc/areastat.cmd in current branch revision: 1.1; date: 2015-08-26 18:53:17+00; committed by dukelsky; Log message: A Windows frontend to areastat (in Russian). By Stas Mishchenkov 2:460/58 ============ Updated file: hpt/misc/passthrough2base.cmd in current branch revision: 1.1; date: 2015-08-26 18:57:09+00; committed by dukelsky; Log message: Convert all echo declarations from passthrough to echobase. By Stas Mishchenkov 2:460/58 ============ Updated file: hpt/src/toss.c in current branch revision: 1.565; date: 2015-08-26 19:13:00+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +3 -1 Log message: Write original arcbundle name to log with LogLevel 7. Patch by Max Vasilyev 2:5057/77 ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Aug 15 01:00:26 по местному времени:
Updated file: fidoconf/doc/fidoconfig.texi in current branch revision: 1.44; date: 2015-08-28 19:03:38+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +1 -1 Log message: FIX: typos and English usage ============ Updated file: fidoconf/src/afixcmd.c in current branch revision: 1.20; date: 2015-08-28 19:03:39+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +3 -3 Log message: FIX: typos and English usage ============ Updated file: fidoconf/src/cfg.c in current branch revision: 1.19; date: 2015-08-28 19:03:39+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +10 -10 Log message: FIX: typos and English usage ============ Updated file: fidoconf/src/common.c in current branch revision: 1.39; date: 2015-08-28 19:03:39+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +16 -16 Log message: FIX: typos and English usage ============ Updated file: fidoconf/src/fidoconf.c in current branch revision: 1.53; date: 2015-08-28 19:03:39+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +1 -1 Log message: FIX: typos and English usage ============ Updated file: fidoconf/src/line.c in current branch revision: 1.84; date: 2015-08-28 19:03:39+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +109 -109 Log message: FIX: typos and English usage ============ Updated file: fidoconf/src/stat.c in current branch revision: 1.13; date: 2015-08-28 19:03:39+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +3 -3 Log message: FIX: typos and English usage ============ Updated file: fidoconf/src/tparser.c in current branch revision: 1.72; date: 2015-08-28 19:03:40+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +26 -20 Log message: FIX: typos and English usage ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
husky inspector написал(а) к All в Sep 15 01:00:26 по местному времени:
Updated file: areafix/src/query.c in current branch revision: 1.40; date: 2015-08-31 19:31:05+00; committed by dukelsky; lines: +13 -14 Log message: FIX: wrong autosubscribed address in the log ============ --- hpt/lnx 1.4.0 |
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