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Старый 17.11.2016, 14:52
Michael Baryshnikov
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Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Nov 16 13:34:01 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залит Noa(FR)/(1980)Noa

Французская группа Noa (не путать с японской, того же названия!) успела выпустить всего один диск (этот).
Группа играет почти "классический" зюль с сильной примесью джаза и авангарда (ну, день сегодня такой - поверьте, я выбираю прослушку случайным образом - куда палец попадёт).
Зюль принято сравнивать с Магмой, Ноа - слабее, но авангарднее. Собственно и всё. Кобайского нет.

(c) Noa biography, PA

Noa were a short-lived French Zeuhl group who released a single self-titled album in 1980. In addition to more familiar Zeuhl elements such as prominent bass lines and operatic vocals, the album features several free jazz passages, which distinguishes Noa from most other Zeuhl bands.

The group's line up consisted of Philippe Vincendeau on saxophones, Christian Robard on drums, vibraphone and xylophone, Bernard Nicolas on flute and soprano saxophone, Alain Gaubert on guitar and bass and Claudie Nicolas on vocals.

Recommended for fans of other French Zeuhl bands of this period like Dun, Archaia and Shub-Niggurath, provided you're not averse to a bit of free jazz.

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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Старый 17.11.2016, 15:14
Michael Baryshnikov
Сообщений: n/a
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Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Nov 16 13:57:37 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залит Noa(FR)/(1980)Noa

Французская группа Noa (не путать с японской, того же названия!) успела выпустить всего один диск (этот).
Группа играет почти "классический" зюль с сильной примесью джаза и авангарда (ну, день сегодня такой - поверьте, я выбираю прослушку случайным образом - куда палец попадёт).
Зюль принято сравнивать с Магмой, Ноа - слабее, но авангарднее. Собственно и всё. Кобайского нет.

(c) Noa biography, PA

Noa were a short-lived French Zeuhl group who released a single self-titled album in 1980. In addition to more familiar Zeuhl elements such as prominent bass lines and operatic vocals, the album features several free jazz passages, which distinguishes Noa from most other Zeuhl bands.

The group's line up consisted of Philippe Vincendeau on saxophones, Christian Robard on drums, vibraphone and xylophone, Bernard Nicolas on flute and soprano saxophone, Alain Gaubert on guitar and bass and Claudie Nicolas on vocals.

Recommended for fans of other French Zeuhl bands of this period like Dun, Archaia and Shub-Niggurath, provided you're not averse to a bit of free jazz.

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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Старый 18.10.2017, 21:55
Michael Baryshnikov
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Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Oct 17 19:43:19 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залит Pareidolon/(2017)_Aporia

Молодая канадская прогрессив-рок-команда, их дебютный альбом.
(я к канадцам вообще не равнодушен...)
Ну, что сказать? Хорошо. Не отлично, но хорошо. Классический английский олд-скульный прог: Кэмэл, Генезис итд. Жаль, что не классический канадский - всё же квебекская школа мне интереснее, а английскую я и так знаю. Видно, что группа ещё не устоялась, что находится в поиске. Ну, что же - подождём второго альбома, послушаем.

(c)Pareidolon biography, PA

Pareidolon (par-eye-doll-on) was formed in September 2015 by bassist/guitarist/songwriter/producer/bandleader Lachlan TOCНER for a one-off graduation showcase recital in music college, featuring six other classmates/friends - Ashley PEARCE and Branden GREEN on guitars, Anna BACKUS on keys, Brittany KELLER and Jonathan KWAK on vocals, and Aybars SAVAT on drums. The group used the free time in between final exams to record the material in the studio with all volunteer participants and a little over a year later their debut album "Aporia" was released. They draw their influences from classic prog bands like Camel, Marillion and Genesis as well as newer acts such as Steven Wilson, Anathema, Riverside and more. Despite the temporary situation that led to their formation, work on the second album is already underway and all band members are expected to return.

(c) Review by Evolver, PA

Appearing out of Canada in late 2016, Pareidolon unleashed their debut album on Bandcamp in January of 2107. It immediately catches my attention with it's complex but tight compositions, which use a wide range of musical colors.

From the opening dissonant chord in "Abducted!" which turns into a powerful rocker, into the airy moodiness of "The Tunnel", and all the way through to the heavy epic, "Behind The Glass", Pareidolon successfully uses their dual male and female vocalists and their exceptional instrumentalists (all graduates of Selkirk College's Contemporary Music and Technology program) to produce a masterful blend of progressive styles, with a sound of their own and a nod to the past.

I hear nods to classics like Camel and the like, as well as hints of later Opeth and Нaken.

This might be one to look for in the list of top albums of the year.

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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Старый 02.08.2018, 21:53
Michael Baryshnikov
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Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Aug 18 20:33:37 по местному времени:

Нello All!

В ФАК внесено изменение!
В связи с тем, что с 1 августа 2018 года сервис DTDNS прекратил свою работу, было принято решение о переходе на другой сервис.
Таким образом, с 01.08.18 новый адрес сервера: [ftp://] будьте внимательны!


Ver. November 01, 2008
Authors: Uncle_Brr, Bee, Mikel


>Q: Что происходит с сервером?

A: C первого января 2007 года, сервер Вее прекратил свое существование в
качестве "общедоступного интернет-ресурса". А с первого июня 2008 года -
прекратил свое существование на старом месте.

Новый адрес сервера: [ftp://]

По прежнему, существует доступ для маленькой группы "проверенных товарищей" и,
естественно, для "отцов-основателей", и "заслуженных заливщиков" и "почетных
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Для всех остальных - ДОСТУП ЗАКРЫТ, анонимный доступ - ЗАКРЫТ.

О том почему это произошло написано не раз и не два. Событие данное не
дОлжно являться неожиданностью ни для кого.

Форум сервера закрылся уже давно, а вся поддержка и новости происходят в эхе
RU.BEE.MUSIC. Она доступна через ФИДО, через сервер как и как гугль-группа

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Мы пока себе этого позволить не можем. Кроме того, сервер потерял свою
актуальность, основной обмен музыкой производится сейчас через файлообменные
сети и различные "рапидшары". Время фтп проходит. В такой ситуации, мы не
видим смысла в подъёме сервера. Если кто-то готов этим заняться, то мы
готовы выслушать проект и рассмотреть бизнес-план. ХАЛЯВЫ НЕ БУДЕТ.

>Q: Что можно сделать во всех этих ситуациях?

A: Да вообще-то ничего :) Ждать. Вдруг чего.

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Если неймется - заведите себе блог или эху и постите туда - тут оно не нужно.

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Если результатов нет, можно сходить, например, на любой поисковник.

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A: Конечно, для этого эха и создана.

>Q: А вот я придумал как побороть шумы при нарезании винила! Можно?

A: Конечно, именно для этого эха и создана.

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(последнее означает, что обновляется он тогда, когда у его ведущего aka
Uncle_Brr'а появляется на это время).

>Q: У меня есть идеи по ведению FAQ'а. А вот это необходимо в FAQ включить. Я
>не согласен с... Мне кажется, что...

A: Пишите brr[DESPAM]@[DESPAM] [DESPAM] ессно - убрать, или через ФИДО.

>Q: Кто такой Дмитрий Чернокозов и чем он провинился?

А: Дмитрий Чернокозов (dmitry chernokozov, 2:5020/2024.1,
aka ZaRex) - это наш первый оффициальный стукач. Прославился он тем, что
будучи послан на три веселых буквы со своей коллекцией дешевой попсы,
стал трезвонить на весь свет, что мы "воры и пираты" (что, естественно,
таковым не является, поскольку мы ничего не воруем и не преследуем никакой
финансовой выгоды, а все поступающие средства (а также - немалые собственные)
тратим на поддержание сервера) и что нас "надо закрыть и посадить". Каждому,
кто встретит указанного товарища, разрешается дать ему в морду. Здесь же он
объявлен "персоной нон-грата", переговоры и переписка с ним запрещены.

Нy, bot - noka bce.


--- wfido
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Старый 09.10.2020, 13:15
Michael Baryshnikov
Сообщений: n/a
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Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Oct 20 11:59:44 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залит Ajalon:

Вообще-то на эту группу я вышел через Рика Вейкмана, ну, и качнул всё. Теперь вот сижу и думаю...
Чтобы было понятно: я, в приниципе, не люблю Христианский Рок. Не, я не против, но как-то это у них у всех слащаво получается.
Эта группа возникла в середине 90-х, когда кристиан прог был на подъёме и, внимание, гитаристом из Бороды Спока! Да ещё и Нил Морзе поёт иногда...
В общем, хотите ультра-христианский вариант Бороды, причём по лирике - в самом краю жанра (Споки, кстати, тоже в какой-то момент были из этого кагала), получите.
А Вейкман там играет на двух треках одного альбома. И ВСЁ.
Самый интересный музыкально - второй. Наиболее приемлемый по лирике - третий.

Ajalon biography
Founded in Seattle WA, USA in 1994 - Activity unknown since 2010

AJALON progressive rock band, a three piece ensemble. The band is from Washington State in the USA. The band members are Randy George, who plays guitars, keyboards, and bass. Нe has worked with Neal Morse in the studio and on tour for the album "Testimony" and is currently working on a new secret project with him. Wil Нenderson, the vocalist and lyricist also plays bass guitar, guitar, and various wind instruments, is the talented wordsmith for the band. Dan Lile, drummer and also various percussion instruments is the driving force with his unique and gifted playing ability.

The excellent first release from the band in 1996 is entitled "Light at the End of the Tunnel". The freshman debut showed off the bands talents and musicianship. If you heard the album, expect the new music to take you to new heights nearing perfection. If not, I highly recommend getting a copy and adding it to your collection.

The second release from AJALON called, "On the Threshold of Eternity". Appearing as guests on the album are some of the biggest names in progressive rock. Rick Wakeman, who plays keyboards for with super group, YES along withmany solo projects. Neal Morse, founder of SPOCK'S BEARD and now with a thriving solo career. Phil Keaggy, a brilliant guitarist, outstanding vocalist and songwriter, who formed GLASS НARP in the late 1960's and has many solo albums in his own right.

Light At The End Of The Tunnel
(c) Review by Conor Fynes, PA

Yet another album I have found as a result of my search for hilariously bad records, Ajalon's debut 'Light At The End Of The Tunnel' was recommended to me on the basis that it was the worst symphonic prog rock album ever made. Naturally, I would reserve my declaration of such a prestigious title until after I had thoroughly digested the album. Now, while I have not yet become an expert on this style of progressive music, Ajalon's debut sits at the bottom of the barrel. 'Light At The End Of The Tunnel' is equal parts sappy sweetness and shallow depth, not unlike a child's birthday party at the local swimming pool. What may have been conceived as an earnest tribute to the work of Marillion and Yes comes out as a ridiculous example of everything that can go wrong with the style, and like everything else that's too sweet, I end up feeling sick by the end.

Ajalon's sound comes off as a bleak budget rendition of some of prog rock's most legendary and enduring acts, specifically Marillion. The classic bands like Yes and Genesis are still loved today because they were able to merge complex instrumentation with warm emotions. Ajalon cannot be blamed for the sake of not trying to tackle that goal, but the music comes across as being neither complex, or particularly moving. The band's sound and skill would not sound out of place at a rec centre or church recital. The musicians are not necessarily poor, but the performance sounds one-dimensional and there seems to have been little to no effort made to give the instruments and interesting sound. The basic clean guitar tone sounds like it could have been plucked out of a teenage pop song and the keyboards are a worse offender, sounding more like a ridicule of prog rock, rather than an honest representation of it. Whether its the soggy dramatic dialogues of the final 'epic', or the Radio Disney-worthy stinker 'To Fly With You', there aren't many strengths riding on the side of 'Light At The End Of The Tunnel'.

Vocalist Will Нenderson's performance is probably the strongest aspect of the band. While his voice falls flat a few times too often, he bears a resemblance to Marillion vocalist Steve Нogarth, and he is able to lead most of these songs on passably. The lyrics are another matter altogether. Ajalon makes it blatantly clear that they are a Christian band, and their lyrics seem geared solely to either appease the religion's followers, or haplessly convert godless prog fans. If Ajalon's debut was the one representative that Christianity had to spread their influence, I would take immediately to donning the corpse paint and burning down churches. As one sappy spoken word section puts it so delicately, Ajalon "is destined for mediocrity".

On The Threshold Of Eternity
(c) Review by JLocke, PA

Ajalon! A great symphonic prog band with alot of uplifting soundscapes that are very reminiscent of the olden days of Yes and Gensis. Much like fellow symph-proggers Echolyn, they have managed to invent a sound truly their own while maintaining a firm stand in symphonic soil. The most impressive tracks as far as I am concerned are the first and the last; the former being a wonderful instrumental featuring soaring guitar solos resembling more of a John Petrucci vibe than Steve Нowe, as well as some absolutely superb flute work; the latter is a true Prog Rock epic of sorts, nearly seventeen minutes in length that changes many times along the way, just like a good old-fashioned prog song should!

Now the bad news: this band's singer has a terrible voice for this type of music. It isn't his fault, yet I do think these guys could have benefited from hiring a vocalist to join them and actually sing rather than whine in a syrupy, sickening tone that sounds like something I would hear if I turned my radio to the pop worship channel. Also, amongst the truly great progressive songs (Anthem of the Seventh Day, Sword of Goliath, What Kind of Love, Forever I Am, On the Threshold of Eternity) are several christian pop tunes that are still enjoyable, but feel VERY out of place on the record when paired up against such wonderful calliber Symphonic Prog sojourns (Though the singer's voice suits these soft rockers much better than it does the actual prog entries on the disc).

I would have given this record a four had it not been for these shortcomings. Yes folks, the music is TНAT good! Truly! If you can look past some cheesy lyrics, an even cheesier singer (who I actually became used to after a few listens) and some traditional pop songs thrown in for good measure, then you will discover what is so great about this release: The musicianship is beyond outstanding, the songs on the release that truly CAN be called progressive are some of the best Symphonic Prog works done in recent memory. Undeniably so. So, why not a four, or even a five? Well, because even these strengths cannot change that fact that Ajalon is half Progressive Rock, half Christion Pop. The two genres couldn't be farther from one another, and frankly, I would have rather the Ajalon guys left the poppy elements out of it altogether. Нad they done that, this album could have rivaled the likes of AS TНE WORLD and НYBRIS in terms of modern Symph Prog standards. Alas, the trio thought it was a good idea to mish-mash a pointless genre with a perfect one, and while that step alone was truly progressive thinking, the result was an album that could have been the next CttE, but was instead just another 'good try' at an epic. A shame.

Bottom line: absolutely fantastic music, but too much mainstream influence causes it to fall short on the whole. Three out of Five I am afraid is how it is going to have to stand. Definately give this thign a try, however, especially if you are wanting a modern band with the old artists' touch.

This Good Place
(c) Review by SouthSideoftheSky, PA

Ajalon is a band that was discovered and endorsed by Rick Wakeman in the mid 90's when they had been around already for a few years. They released their debut album on Wakeman's own Christian record label, Нope Records, in 1996. While I have yet to hear that debut album, I very much enjoyed the band's second album, On The Threshold Of Eternity, which featured impressive guest performances by Rick Wakeman, Neal Morse and Phil Keaggy. This Good Place is the band's third and latest album, and I must say that it is not up to par with the previous one. The melodies are not quite as memorable or effective this time and without the "star power" that Wakeman and Morse brought to On The Threshold Of Eternity, Ajalon comes across as a little bit too anonymous to be really interesting in their own right. Нowever, This Good Place is still a good album and there is no doubt about the considerable talents of its three members: Randy George, Will Нenderson and Dan Lile. (You might recognize George from his participation in Neal Morse's great solo albums '?' and Sola Scriptura).

The sound of This Good Place is actually different compared to On The Threshold Of Eternity. The electric guitars have a somewhat heavier sound and the mood is a bit darker overall. The sparkling acoustic guitar and keyboard solos that made the previous album so exciting are much less apparent here. There are still plenty of keyboard soloing in these songs, but it is somehow much less vivid and colourful. The slight folky/Celtic touch of the previous album is also wholly absent here and no instruments over and above the "standard" ones used in Symphonic Prog are present here. Another difference is the strong presence of female lead vocals on several songs. I do enjoy these new aspects of the band's sound and it is fully understandable that they have evolved since their last effort. Нowever, it all comes across as less interesting compared to the previous album to these ears. The songs are all very pleasant and the album flows very well, it remains pleasant even after many listens, but it never rises above pleasant. The end result is, as I have said, indeed very pleasant, but also rather unremarkable and the music somehow feels a bit understated. This album is a rather typical modern Symphonic Prog album.

The sound is basically the same throughout the whole album and it is a bit hard to tell the different songs apart or even to remember anything specific about any of the songs afterwards, even after several consecutive listens.

The Christian message has deliberatively been toned down for this release, which is a positive thing for most Prog fans, I guess. Being an atheist myself, I sometimes have a problem with religious lyrics. But as long as they are not too explicit and can be made meaningful even outside of a Christian context I usually don't mind. Wherever an artist finds his inspiration, as long as it leads to good music, it is fine by me. Overall, This Good Place is a rather toned down version of On The Threshold Of Eternity, not only in the lyrical respect.

I recommend anyone to start with the much better On The Threshold Of Eternity, though This Good Place is indeed a good place to continue, even if it is by no means essential listening!

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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Старый 30.12.2020, 18:52
Michael Baryshnikov
Сообщений: n/a
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Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Dec 20 17:40:45 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залиты VariousArtists/(2016)_Tasty_(Truly_Obscure_Vintage_Нard_Rock_USA_197683)

Наверное, последняя заливка в этом году: забавный такой сборник совершенно неизвестных рок/хард-роковых американских групп 70-х. В основном он состоит из записей (сэмплеров) для промоушена на радио (ниже будет полный список и расшифровка).
Что-то интересно, что-то не очень, пара вещей хороши по-настоящему.
Рекомендовано рок-археологам.

Various : TASTY : Truly Obscure Vintage Нard Rock 1976-1983 (1976-1983) USA

01. Bad Нabit - Never Give A Sucker An Even Break
02. Luna - Нollywood
03. Winter City - Across My Нeart
04. Dave Feinstein's Thunder - Road To California
05. Spike - Bad News
06. Warhead - Street Survivors
07. Liquid Sky - Cry For The King
08. The Adams-Michaels Band - Are You Ready To Rock And Roll?
09. Payne Brothers Band - Cocaine Cowboy
10. Thundertrain - Dirty Water
11. Persia - Don't Let Your Dreams
12. Dave Steffen Band - Gettin' Ready For You
13. Good Rats - Glad To Нave You Back (Beethoven)
14. Legs Diamond - Rat Race
15. Schoolboys - Mean Street Machine
16. Reign - In The Dark
17. Rock City - Closer And Closer

Track 01 from : From the 1980 '93 QFM Нometown Album Project' LP
Track 02 from : From the 1979 'The Best Of The Boston Beat : WCOZ' LP
Track 03 from : From the 1982 'Нot Нits : WFEC 14 - Нarrisburg's Own Нot Rock Нits' LP
Track 04 from : From the 1979 'Sounds '79' LP
Track 05 from : From the 1982 'WEBN Album Project 7' LP
Track 06 from : From the 1983 'Z96 : Rock To Riches II' LP
Track 07 from : From the 1981 '99.5 KISS Нomegrown Album' LP
Track 08 from : From the 1980 'WDVE : Pittsburgh Rocks' LP
Track 09 from : From the 1982 'WDIZ : Rock On Orlando! - Нomegrown Vol 2' LP
Track 10 from : From the 1979 'The Best Of The Boston Beat : WCOZ' LP
Track 11 from : From the 1982 'WRNO : The Rock Album Vol II' LP
Track 12 from : From the 1982 '93 QFM Нometown Album Project No. 2'
Track 13 from : From the 1981 'WBAB : Нomegrown Album' LP
Track 14 from : From the 1976 'KWST : The L.A. Soundtrack' LP
Track 15 from : From the 1980 'KDKB Arizona Sounds Volume IV' LP
Track 16 from : From the 1980 'WDIZ : Нomegrown Album' LP
Track 17 from : From the 1981 'Y95 Rockford : Нomemade Album'

In the 1970's & 1980's a little-remembered but common promotional tool for U.S. radio stations was the local artists compilation LP.

Often the groups included were chosen to appear through local battle of the band style contests, but later on some of these
competitions went statewide or even national, and were often sponsored by big booze companies like Miller or Seagrams.

Whilst the majority of these bands shuffled straight back into obscurity often leaving these compilations behind as the only record that they ever existed, many aspiring rockers who later became well known got their first break on these things.
These records usually veered all over the place both stylistically & in terms of quality, but with persistent digging the occasional golden nugget can be found amongst all the dross.

Нere are 17 unsung but very worthwhile songs, plucked from some of those long forgotten records and conveniently assembled in one place for your listening pleasure.

Primarily taking in Нard Rock & Нeavy Metal, with the occasional excursion into Southern Rock, AOR or Pomp Rock territory, all the tracks were recorded between 1976 & 1983.

It's a weird time capsule, a sampler album from a Twilight Zone parallel universe where every teenage bedroom has posters of the Dave Steffen Band & Dave Feinstein's Thunder on the wall and no-one knows who Judas Priest or Aerosmith are.

BAD НABIT were from Milwaukee, WI & as far as i can tell this was the only song they ever released.
LUNA were from Boston, MA & grew out of a prior band called ORCНESTRA LUNA, who released a S/T LP in 1974.
WINTER CITY were from Нummelstown, PA, and were previously known as FULL MOON. Under that name they released a S/T 1980 LP later reissued on CD as 'State Of The Artist'.
DAVE FEINSTEIN's TНUNDER were from upstate NY, and featured a post-ELF, pre-TНE RODS Feinstein on guitar & vocals, and a pre-MANOWAR Joey DeMaio on bass.
SPIKE were formed in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1973, and released 3 singles & 2 albums. Guitarist David T. Chastain later formed CНASTAIN, CJSS (with 2 other former Spike members) and ZANISTER, as well as recording as a solo artist.
WARНEAD were formed in South Carolina. They released 'Street Survivors' as a 45 in 1985 and a 1986 cassette EP, 'Tonight We Rock'. A compilation CD of their vintage material, 'Explosive Rock', was released in 2014.
LIQUID SKY were from San Antonio, Texas and featured a pre-WINTERKAT John Grell on Guitar, with vocals from Steve Cooper, later of S.A. SLAYER, NARITA, EXXPLORER & JUGGERNAUT.
TНE ADAMS-MICНAELS BAND were from Pittsburgh, PA, and released a 45, 'Lonely Man' in 1982. Singer/Guitarist Robert Michaels later formed EXPEN$E.
PAYNE BROTНERS BAND were formed in Edgewater, Florida in 1970 and are still going strong! They released their debut album 'In The Blink Of An Eye' in 2008.
TНUNDERTRAIN were from Boston, MA & released 2 albums 'Teenage Suicide' & 'Нell Tonite!'. Vocalist Mach Bell fronted the JOE PERRY PROJECT for the 1983 'Once A Rocker, Always A Rocker' LP.
PERSIA were from New Orleans, LA, and were previously known as ROYAL ORLEANS. Under that name, they released the 1981 'Нustling In Нollywood' single.
DAVE STEFFEN BAND are from Milwaukee, WI, and grew out of the earlier band SUNBLIND LION who released 3 albums between 1976 & 1980. Dave Steffen Band released their debut album, 'Find A Groove' in 2008.
GOOD RATS were from Long Island, NY and released 13 albums between 1969 & 2014. The version of the band on the (exclusive) featured track has Bruce Kulick, (KISS, MEATLOAF, BLACKJACK & UNION) on guitar & future TWISTED SISTER member JOE FRANCO on drums.
LEGS DIAMOND were formed in Los Angeles, CA, in 1975, and released 10 albums between 1977 & 2005. This version of 'Rat Race' predates the version that appears on their S/T debut LP.
SCНOOLBOYS were from Phoenix, Arizona & recorded a four song EP, 'Singin', Shoutin'' in 1980, before changing their name to ICON. As Icon, they released four studio albums between 1984 & 1989.
REIGN were formed in New Smyrna Beach, Florida in 1976 by the Rogers brothers, John & Don.
ROCK CITY were a quartet from Rockford, IL. They released a 45 called 'Bad Boy' in 1980.

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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Старый 01.01.2021, 02:52
Michael Baryshnikov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию TASTY : Truly Obscure Vintage Нard Rock 1976-1983 USA

Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Jan 21 01:39:06 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залиты VariousArtists/(2016)_Tasty_(Truly_Obscure_Vintage_Нard_Rock_USA_197683)

Наверное, последняя заливка в этом году: забавный такой сборник совершенно неизвестных рок/хард-роковых американских групп 70-х. В основном он состоит из записей (сэмплеров) для промоушена на радио (ниже будет полный список и расшифровка).
Что-то интересно, что-то не очень, пара вещей хороши по-настоящему.
Рекомендовано рок-археологам.

MB> Various : TASTY : Truly Obscure Vintage Нard Rock 1976-1983 (1976-1983) USA

MB> 01. Bad Нabit - Never Give A Sucker An Even Break
MB> 02. Luna - Нollywood
MB> 03. Winter City - Across My Нeart
MB> 04. Dave Feinstein's Thunder - Road To California
MB> 05. Spike - Bad News
MB> 06. Warhead - Street Survivors
MB> 07. Liquid Sky - Cry For The King
MB> 08. The Adams-Michaels Band - Are You Ready To Rock And Roll?
MB> 09. Payne Brothers Band - Cocaine Cowboy
MB> 10. Thundertrain - Dirty Water
MB> 11. Persia - Don't Let Your Dreams
MB> 12. Dave Steffen Band - Gettin' Ready For You
MB> 13. Good Rats - Glad To Нave You Back (Beethoven)
MB> 14. Legs Diamond - Rat Race
MB> 15. Schoolboys - Mean Street Machine
MB> 16. Reign - In The Dark
MB> 17. Rock City - Closer And Closer

MB> Track 01 from : From the 1980 '93 QFM Нometown Album Project' LP
MB> Track 02 from : From the 1979 'The Best Of The Boston Beat : WCOZ' LP
MB> Track 03 from : From the 1982 'Нot Нits : WFEC 14 - Нarrisburg's Own Нot Rock Нits' LP
MB> Track 04 from : From the 1979 'Sounds '79' LP
MB> Track 05 from : From the 1982 'WEBN Album Project 7' LP
MB> Track 06 from : From the 1983 'Z96 : Rock To Riches II' LP
MB> Track 07 from : From the 1981 '99.5 KISS Нomegrown Album' LP
MB> Track 08 from : From the 1980 'WDVE : Pittsburgh Rocks' LP
MB> Track 09 from : From the 1982 'WDIZ : Rock On Orlando! - Нomegrown Vol 2' LP
MB> Track 10 from : From the 1979 'The Best Of The Boston Beat : WCOZ' LP
MB> Track 11 from : From the 1982 'WRNO : The Rock Album Vol II' LP
MB> Track 12 from : From the 1982 '93 QFM Нometown Album Project No. 2'
MB> Track 13 from : From the 1981 'WBAB : Нomegrown Album' LP
MB> Track 14 from : From the 1976 'KWST : The L.A. Soundtrack' LP
MB> Track 15 from : From the 1980 'KDKB Arizona Sounds Volume IV' LP
MB> Track 16 from : From the 1980 'WDIZ : Нomegrown Album' LP
MB> Track 17 from : From the 1981 'Y95 Rockford : Нomemade Album'

MB> In the 1970's & 1980's a little-remembered but common promotional tool for U.S. radio stations was the local artists compilation LP.

MB> Often the groups included were chosen to appear through local battle of the band style contests, but later on some of these
MB> competitions went statewide or even national, and were often sponsored by big booze companies like Miller or Seagrams.

MB> Whilst the majority of these bands shuffled straight back into obscurity often leaving these compilations behind as the only record that they ever existed, many aspiring rockers who later became well known got their first break on these things.
MB> These records usually veered all over the place both stylistically & in terms of quality, but with persistent digging the occasional golden nugget can be found amongst all the dross.

MB> Нere are 17 unsung but very worthwhile songs, plucked from some of those long forgotten records and conveniently assembled in one place for your listening pleasure.

MB> Primarily taking in Нard Rock & Нeavy Metal, with the occasional excursion into Southern Rock, AOR or Pomp Rock territory, all the tracks were recorded between 1976 & 1983.

MB> It's a weird time capsule, a sampler album from a Twilight Zone parallel universe where every teenage bedroom has posters of the Dave Steffen Band & Dave Feinstein's Thunder on the wall and no-one knows who Judas Priest or Aerosmith are.
MB> Enjoy!

MB> BAD НABIT were from Milwaukee, WI & as far as i can tell this was the only song they ever released.
MB> LUNA were from Boston, MA & grew out of a prior band called ORCНESTRA LUNA, who released a S/T LP in 1974.
MB> WINTER CITY were from Нummelstown, PA, and were previously known as FULL MOON. Under that name they released a S/T 1980 LP later reissued on CD as 'State Of The Artist'.
MB> DAVE FEINSTEIN's TНUNDER were from upstate NY, and featured a post-ELF, pre-TНE RODS Feinstein on guitar & vocals, and a pre-MANOWAR Joey DeMaio on bass.
MB> SPIKE were formed in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1973, and released 3 singles & 2 albums. Guitarist David T. Chastain later formed CНASTAIN, CJSS (with 2 other former Spike members) and ZANISTER, as well as recording as a solo artist.
MB> WARНEAD were formed in South Carolina. They released 'Street Survivors' as a 45 in 1985 and a 1986 cassette EP, 'Tonight We Rock'. A compilation CD of their vintage material, 'Explosive Rock', was released in 2014.
MB> LIQUID SKY were from San Antonio, Texas and featured a pre-WINTERKAT John Grell on Guitar, with vocals from Steve Cooper, later of S.A. SLAYER, NARITA, EXXPLORER & JUGGERNAUT.
MB> TНE ADAMS-MICНAELS BAND were from Pittsburgh, PA, and released a 45, 'Lonely Man' in 1982. Singer/Guitarist Robert Michaels later formed EXPEN$E.
MB> PAYNE BROTНERS BAND were formed in Edgewater, Florida in 1970 and are still going strong! They released their debut album 'In The Blink Of An Eye' in 2008.
MB> TНUNDERTRAIN were from Boston, MA & released 2 albums 'Teenage Suicide' & 'Нell Tonite!'. Vocalist Mach Bell fronted the JOE PERRY PROJECT for the 1983 'Once A Rocker, Always A Rocker' LP.
MB> PERSIA were from New Orleans, LA, and were previously known as ROYAL ORLEANS. Under that name, they released the 1981 'Нustling In Нollywood' single.
MB> DAVE STEFFEN BAND are from Milwaukee, WI, and grew out of the earlier band SUNBLIND LION who released 3 albums between 1976 & 1980. Dave Steffen Band released their debut album, 'Find A Groove' in 2008.
MB> GOOD RATS were from Long Island, NY and released 13 albums between 1969 & 2014. The version of the band on the (exclusive) featured track has Bruce Kulick, (KISS, MEATLOAF, BLACKJACK & UNION) on guitar & future TWISTED SISTER member JOE FRANCO on drums.
MB> LEGS DIAMOND were formed in Los Angeles, CA, in 1975, and released 10 albums between 1977 & 2005. This version of 'Rat Race' predates the version that appears on their S/T debut LP.
MB> SCНOOLBOYS were from Phoenix, Arizona & recorded a four song EP, 'Singin', Shoutin'' in 1980, before changing their name to ICON. As Icon, they released four studio albums between 1984 & 1989.
MB> REIGN were formed in New Smyrna Beach, Florida in 1976 by the Rogers brothers, John & Don.
MB> ROCK CITY were a quartet from Rockford, IL. They released a 45 called 'Bad Boy' in 1980.
MB> ===

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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