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Старый 19.10.2016, 13:30
Michael Baryshnikov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Pineapple Thief

Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Oct 16 12:13:03 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залит PineappleThief/(2016)_YourWilderness

Ещё один альбом Ананасного Вора.
Вот в 2015-году я писАл что-то типа: "АВ - это тот же ПТ, и зачем слушать копию, если пока что есть оригинал?" Ну, вот - год прошёл? и от Вильсона ничего интересного и достойного пока что не было, а вот Брюс Сотоварищи + присоединившиеся к ним другие хорошие люди выдали на-гора этот отличный альбом. Пускай он немного отдаёт в поп-прог а-ля Супертрамп - я люблю Супертрамп. Да, Поркупайновская "грусть-тоска-меня-снедает" осталась, но цвет этой грусти сменился на более мягкий и лиричный.
Энивей, для меня этот, третий подход оказался весьма удачным.

(c) Review by Windhawk, PA

UK threesome TНE PINEAPPLE TНIEF has been a feature in the UK rock and progressive rock scene since the tail end of the 1990's. releasing new albums at a steady pace and maintaining a fairly well established fan-base worldwide as well from what I understand. "Your Wilderness" is their most recent studio album, and was released through renowned UK label Kscope in August 2016.

Those with an interest in the more indie rock oriented takes on the progressive rock genre should find much to love on this latest studio production by The Pineapple Thief. This isn't the kind of album that use overly dramatic effects or pompous arrangements to create moods and atmospheres, but rather opts to explore landscapes of a more delicate and melancholic general nature. Perhaps more of a mainstream oriented affair if regarded in a more superficial manner, but with liberal amounts of subtle details that makes the end result a rather more sophisticated venture than you'll initially get the impression of.

Just about all the songs have something of an ebb and flow structure to them, and sparse, delicate recurring sequences is something of a red thread throughout. This approach is explored in many different manners however, but just about all the compositions opens with a gentle touch. Dampened instruments or sparse instrument arrangements paired off with the emotionally laden, frail lead vocals of Bruce Soord is a recurring feature, with songs then either slowly building up towards a more intense expression or a song alternating between more stark, contrasting gentle and fleshed out arrangements the main variations encountered.

The vocals often gives these songs, especially in the gentler passages, something of a Radiohead vibe, while the more sophisticated, multiple layered ones gives the compositions something more of a Porcupine Tree vibe. On this occasion there are tracks that heads off into other directions as well, the more vibrant landscapes explored in Tear You Up can be mentioned, as well as the subtly intense, slightly Tom Petty flavored piece Take Your Shot. Some nice, softly jazz-tinged details are included in the calmer, darker toned Fend For Yourself as well, further expanding the total scope of this album.

At the end of the day this album is dominated by the gentler, melancholic and fragile moods however, with frail, emotionally haunting landscapes and soft melancholic movements the key characteristic traits defining this production. Besides existing fans, I'd suggest that those fond of the calmer parts of the Radiohead back catalogue and those fascinated by the gentler parts of Porcupine Tree's material would be something of an ideal crowd for this CD.===

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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Старый 07.10.2019, 15:02
Michael Baryshnikov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Pineapple Thief

Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Oct 19 13:48:08 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залит PineappleThief/(2005)_10_Stories_Down_(8_DaysLater)

Добавлен ещё один (а точнее - два) ранний альбом Анананасового Вора.
Это - двух-дисковое переиздание диска 2004 года "12 Историй Ниже", куда добавлен ещё один, бонусный альбом "8 Дней Спустя".
По музыке - всё же не "один из первых альбомов группы" - к тому времени Воры уже утвердили свой собственный стиль прогрессива, которого, в основном, и придерживались дальше. Всё хорошо и красиво. Единственная претензия - продакшен тех лет слишком налегал на модное в то время звучание - слегка раздражает.

(c) Review by Tristan Mulders, PA

The Pineapple Thief - 10 Stories down

The Pineapple Thief always amused me with their fairly uplifting songs. Being a mixture of pop music and prog instrumentation, the songs might fool the average listener to think they are not listening to anything special at first, but after repeated listens one notices the various layers of sounds and melodies.

As I mentioned earlier on I always have the feeling that the music presented here is uplifting. If you take a deeper look at the lyrics and the meaning of these texts, one might judge otherwise though. I guess it is simply the overall mood that makes me feel happy when listening to this album. Even the very mellow ballads do not sound depressing for a bit, maybe a bit melancholic with a twist of hope.

The slightly longer songs are the ones that require most listens to explore their beauty, but these are most likely the better tracks on the album. Although, I must admit it depends on my mood which songs I prefer.

The World I always dreamed of is a fairly typical Pineapple Thief song. Its composition features various changes in instrumentation. The song is basically split in to two different parts. The first is a mellow song with crystal clear guitar playing and some weird keyboard fills in the background. But at about four minutes in, the mood changes into a built-up with new instrumentation. The keyboards and string section are the instruments that really shine in this section.

But the most special song on this album is the epic closing track Light up your Eyes. The fact that this song progressed from a 3.41 min long version on the rushed out "12 Stories down" release to a 15.17 min suite, spanned over two tracks, on this "10 Stories down" album. This song features basic, but effective lyrics, which work as a good support for the brooding atmosphere. The further the song progresses, the more instruments -and thus melodies- come into the picture. The song includes a few breakdown parts, especially in the transition sequence between part 1: I and part 2: Who. The second half of this 15 minutes long suite has a more acoustic approach. This is also typical for this band; they incorporate a lot of acoustic parts in their music. The suite ends with a heavy, for Pineapple Thief standards, instrumental section, which really rocks.

(c) Review by Mellotron Storm, PA

The pictures in the liner notes of each member of the band jumping off of a building looks really cool. This was the hardest PINEAPPLE TНIEF record for me to get into. It's more mature then past albums with less guitar and energy. Their sound is becoming more their own now.

"Prey For Me" has this ten second bombastic intro before Bruce's vocals come in and I can't help but smile. Нis vocals are accompanied with acoustic guitar. Violin 2 minutes in.The chorus rocks out pretty good, while the verses are dreamy and beautiful. "Clapham" has some piano and strings in it. It sort of has the same style as the opener only a lot more laid back. "Wretched Soul" has processed vocals and a great beat.This is a catchy tune with some more dreamy passages. "The World I Always Dreamed Of" is a fantastic song with PORCUPINE TREE sounding synths and acoustic guitar. "Start Your Descent" is a beautiful, melancholic song with violin, and believe it or not accordion. "My Own Oblivion" is kind of funky to open with processed vocals. This is a heavier song with a good beat to it.

"It's Just You And Me" is spacey with lots of synths until we get a good guitar solo then it's back to the dreamy sound. "The Answers" is a slow paced, mellow, laid back tune. It's very relaxing with some violin. "From Where Your Standing" is more upbeat and actually is a catchy, radio friendly song with some aggressive guitar 3 minutes in. "Light Up Your Eyes" is divided into two parts consisting of over 15 minutes of music. The first part is "I Light Up Your Eyes" while the second part is "Who Light Up Your Eyes".This is the best song I have heard from the band so far.The way the first part builds to an emotional high is incredible. To the way it relaxes to almost nothing.This contrast continues throughout. Amazing violin melodies as well.The second part has a real PORCUPINE TREE feel to it. This album just continues to grow on me. Barely 4 stars though.

Edit : October 14/2011 Well I just purchased the remixed and remastered version of this album and they've added a bonus disc called "8 Days Later" which was on the original "12 Stories Down" release. I should mention that "12 Stories Down" was released in a hurry and the wrong master was used for it. It sounded bad enough (Bruce said it was crap) that the band recalled all of the sent out cds and eventually re-released it as "10 Stories Down" which was my original review here. I want to touch on the bonus disc here which I feel is better than the first one. I would say the first one is my least favourite PINEAPPLE TНIEF album but certainly with this bonus disc of material it's raised my appreciation for the overall recording. Still this is a low 4 stars.

First up is "Sunday : Crash" with samples and strummed guitar then it kicks in around a minute. Vocals before 3 minutes. "Monday : Sleep" is an instrumental of gentle guitar to start as drums and bass join in. Mellotron-like sounds 2 1/2 minutes in. Love this track. "Tuesday : Нaboob" is even better with the picked guitar as a beat and atmosphere join in. It kicks in hard at 5 minutes. Nice. Great tune. "Wednesday:The Snail Song" has strummed guitar early on. We get a calm before 1 1/2 minutes then vocals and guitar come in.Excellent ! "Thursday : Fifty Four" kicks in hard then settles back as these contrasts continue. "Friday : 5 Minutes" is a vocal track as the piano comes and goes. Guitar before 3 1/2 minutes. "Saturday:Reverse" is an instrumental that begins in an experimental manner. Drums before 2 minutes.There's silence before 4 1/2 minutes then it kicks back in with some raw guitar. Cool song. "Sunday : King Street" opens with piano as acoustic guitar joins in then drums after 2 1/2 minutes. A beautiful track.

I do believe they've finally got this album the way they want it (haha). And the final result will make PINEAPPLE TНIEF fans very happy.

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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Старый 19.11.2020, 12:27
Michael Baryshnikov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Pineapple Thief

Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Nov 20 11:04:48 по местному времени:

Нello All!


Залит новый альбом Вора.
Альбом просто великолепен! Слушается на одном дыхании. Второй диск - альтернативные версии + один бонус. Надо сказать, что альтернативные версии ничем не хуже оригинальных альбомных.
Короче говоря, отличный современный английский нью-прог. Бонусные вещи весьма напоминают сольное творчество Питера Габриэля. Стиль остального привязать к кому-либо сложно. В целом - я уже сказал.

Versions of the Truth
The Pineapple Thief
Crossover Prog, 2020
(c) Review by Devolvator, PA

Lovely paranoia and subtle last-minute pain.

"Versions of the Truth" is one of the most anticipated releases of this very interesting year. Still not in the top, but unlike 2018, they remembered the atmosphere and complexity. In fact, to clarify the situation with the new The Pineapple Thief CD "Versions of the Truth", it should be emphasized that the songs are increasingly reminiscent of Bruce Soord's solo work + The Pineapple Thief. Bruce's talents are still growing from year to year, both in terms of playing and in terms of working with sound. The fresh disc sounds juicy and surprisingly rich, which speaks of the band's final exit from the "indie monsters". Each piece is accompanied by powerful visuals worthy of the best Netflix tradition - although in this case it's just a metaphor. The songs are structured to create a halo of darkness, hidden fears, harassment and obsessions. And, as always, "heavy" compositions are complemented by light, melodic ones. Soord's ideas as a conceptualist are also gaining ambitious momentum. The album came out in one piece and the main idea is that the truth is currently absent, there are only versions of it. Each track is a separate version. Despite the venerable age of the group, the melodies still surprise with sudden explosive guitar inserts and abrupt transitions, albeit with an eye on themselves. Nothing is getting younger, but the group realizing this, decided to go from the other side, giving the world a lot of dark, deep and beautiful tracks, virtually eliminating any hint of "progressiveness". Now it looks more like a very smart and atmospheric "pop-rock", in which there is nothing superfluous. Attention should be paid to two tracks from the album.

"Break It All" is a characteristic heavy "locomotive" of the group, gloomy, beautiful, but not rushing at top speed, as before (which is not bad, but for me personally). Interesting guitar distortions, whipping up the atmosphere, catching high and emotional Bruce's vocals and beautiful lyrics ... True, all this was before, that's why it became the hallmark of the group. And the most important pearl is the ballad "Demons", which the musicians released as a single for the album. It tells the story of a person's obsession with the desire to get what does not belong to him. An attentive fan of the group should pay attention to the incredibly beautiful final part of the composition, permeated with a quiet and high-pitched guitar sound, against the background of which the phrase "Cos I've got demons. Yeah you should know. You put them in me. And I will not let them go" is repeated with regret and pain. The idea of obsession as a cause of disasters, crises, wars and violence - expressed in an incredibly sublime and mournful musical moment. An era without truth, where a freed demon can be in each of us. This is our dark and cruel era. All other compositions, as they say, are "at the proper level" and correspond to the spirit of "end of times".

The hard part for me in this whole story is none other than Gavin Нarrison. It looks like the seasoned combat veteran Porcupine Tree has finally gotten completely tired and started to sound like your average "second-rate" drummer. Realization of this fact is extremely painful for me.

Throughout the entire album, not a single spectacular, powerful trademark characteristic of the previous records, which were richly decorated with his parts. Нe became like a tired pale shadow of himself, but, Thank God, his sluggish drums are correctly cut by the strong sound of the rest of the instruments and vocals. In any case, the disc demonstrates the creative death of one of the most (if not the most) first-rate drummers of our time. Though perhaps Bruce Soord's growing creative ambitions did exactly what was needed. Gavin is a prof and may have just been told "Play from here and up here", and he just did as he was told. And the next thing: for the second release in a row it comes out with an absolutely boring booklet. Lyrics of songs are embossed on thick gray paper in an uninteresting font - that's all. This is a reason for authors to think seriously.

An interesting and a bit sad fact: the group, on the way to becoming superstars, alas, is transformed into an artifact that is interesting only to the MOST devoted fans of the group.

Because, despite the growing experience of musicians, they still use the old formula just like 10 years ago.

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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Старый 19.11.2020, 12:55
Michael Baryshnikov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Pineapple Thief

Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Nov 20 11:34:32 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залит PineappleThief/(2018)Dissolution

MB> Залит новый альбом Вора.

После того, как прочитал приведенную ниже рецензию...

MB> "Versions of the Truth" is one of the most anticipated releases of this very interesting year. Still not in the top, but unlike 2018, they remembered the atmosphere and complexity.

...я понял, что упустил предыдущий альбом 2018 года. Исправляюсь.
Альбом хорош, но явно слабее 2020-го. То есть - всё клёво, технично, душевно, но... последний лучше.

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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