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Старый 20.10.2016, 20:11
Michael Baryshnikov
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По умолчанию Shamblemaths

Michael Baryshnikov написал(а) к All в Oct 16 18:47:19 по местному времени:

Нello All!

Залит Shamblemaths/(2016)_Shamblemaths

Шамблематы - норвежский дуэт проговых музыкантов, проживающий в Англии.
Музыка у них достаточно своеобразная: тут и прог и РИО и авангард и джаз-рок и вполне себе брит-поп.
Понимаете ли, дебютный альбом, в котором 3 композиции, две из которых 27 и 19 минут... понятно, что если не тупая долбежка (которой тут и не пахнет), то накрутить всего можно - вагон и маленькую тележку. Ну, и накрутили.
Рекомендуется всё же любителям РИО и авант-рока.

(c) Shamblemaths biography, PA

SНAMBLEMATНS is the new project by Norwegian duo Simen A. ELLNGSEN and Eirik M. НUSUM. This band is actually a direct contiuation of their first collaboration as a duo formed in their student days in 2004 under the name Fallen Fowl. That collaboration actually started as a side project to the band TiaC that was active in the early 2000, the song "Stalker" from the new album is actually a TiaC song that was never recorded. A couple of demos and an EP were recorded under Fallen Fowl before a hiatus ensued when ELLINGSEN moved to London to complete his studies.

Now they've returned as SНAMBLEMATНS with an edgier sound and approach, adding more influences from Magma, Univers Zero and Egg. The band plays an eclectic mix of countless styles and the music is pretty much all over the place, exploring both melodic and quirky areas. Their self titled album was released in the spring of 2016 featuring guests musicians, most prominently Eirik Overland Dischler on keyboards and Jon Even Scharer on drums. НUSUM is playing bass and ELLINGSEN is playing guitars, saxophones and also handles the vocals.

WBR, Michael Baryshnikov.

--- wfido
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