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Старый 01.03.2017, 00:53
Janis Kracht
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Нello :)

Janis Kracht написал(а) к All в Aug 16 21:41:00 по местному времени:

Нello to all,

I am so happy to be connected to CRIMEA.TALK.

To me, it is a great chance to learn more about Crimea and it's people.

Thank you again, Stas :)

Take care,

--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
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Старый 01.03.2017, 00:53
Konstantin Simonov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Нello :)

Konstantin Simonov написал(а) к Janis Kracht в Aug 16 09:13:14 по местному времени:

Нi, Janis!

Saturday August 06 2016 21:41, Janis Kracht (1:261/38) => All:

JK> To me, it is a great chance to learn more about Crimea and it's
JK> people.

O Zone 1. As skidded? :)
Crimea is a peninsula in the south of Russia.
The people of the Crimea is mainly Russian people, but there are many other nationalities, as elsewhere in Russia.
In this echo communicate with people all over Russia.
For example, I'm from Siberia, Novosibirsk.

Sorry, I do not know much English, so translation was engaged in Google. :)

Sincerely yours, Konstantin.

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--- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20160322 WinNT 5.1.2600-SP3 iP-IV
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Старый 01.03.2017, 00:53
Janis Kracht
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Нello :)

Janis Kracht написал(а) к Konstantin Simonov в Aug 16 00:09:28 по местному времени:

Нi Konstantin!

>> To me, it is a great chance to learn more about Crimea and it's
>> people.

> O Zone 1. As skidded? :)

haha.. right into your backyard I guess :) :)

> Crimea is a peninsula in the south of Russia.
> The people of the Crimea is mainly Russian people, but there are many other
> nationalities, as elsewhere in Russia.

When I re-read more about the history of Crimea, I understand why this is true. Crimea has a rich history, it is so old and interesting to read about :)

> In this echo communicate with people all over Russia.
> For example, I'm from Siberia, Novosibirsk.

Good to meet you, Konstantin! I am reading as much information as I can find about your city. It's very impressive :) Of course, anytime I read about someplace dedicating an area to Yuri Gagarin, I am so impressed. That man was so brave and it is good to see that he is remembered. :)

> Sorry, I do not know much English, so translation was engaged in Google.

That's fine. It works :)

My sister studied Russian in college, but I'm sure even she would not try to type it here in Fidonet <grin>

Take care,

--- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Dada-2
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Старый 01.03.2017, 00:53
Konstantin Simonov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Нello :)

Konstantin Simonov написал(а) к Janis Kracht в Aug 16 12:38:40 по местному времени:

Нi, Janis!

Sunday August 07 2016 00:09, Janis Kracht (1:261/38) => Konstantin Simonov:

JK> When I re-read more about the history of Crimea, I understand why this
JK> is true. Crimea has a rich history, it is so old and interesting to
JK> read about :)

Yes, once it belonged to Byzantium, where Prince Vladimir was baptized.
After the destruction of the Byzantine Empire seized the Crimea Tatars and
only Catherine II joined Crimea to Russia.

KS>> I'm from Siberia, Novosibirsk.
JK> Good to meet you, Konstantin!


JK> anytime I read about someplace dedicating an area to Yuri Gagarin,

Gagarin was not in any way connected with Siberia.
Is that flew into space from a spaceport located near Kazakhstan.

KS>> translation was engaged in Google.
JK> That's fine. It works :)

Unfortunately, it seems, it is not very well it works. :(

Sincerely yours, Konstantin.

... Voice +7-383-73-53-203 ICQ 594179153
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Старый 01.03.2017, 00:53
Dima Bargamov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Нello :)

Dima Bargamov написал(а) к Konstantin Simonov в Aug 16 10:16:20 по местному времени:

Привет тебе, Konstantin!

Kaк-тo нa дняx (07 авг 16) Konstantin Simonov пишeт к Cheslav Osanadze...

[ ... ]
CO>> Все перешли на олбанский?

KS> Просто принято отвечать на языке оригинала, когда нет уверенности, что
KS> русский поймут. :)
Надо их найчить, как русскую локаль поставить, они же, бедные, даже в переводчик наши каракули загнать не могут. :-(
Дмитрий Баргамов. 73! Altyn CB Radio (RX3AVD)
--- GoldED-NSF+/LNX 1.1.5-b20110208
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Старый 01.03.2017, 00:53
Cheslav Osanadze
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Re: Нello :)

Cheslav Osanadze написал(а) к Konstantin Simonov в Aug 16 10:01:39 по местному времени:

Привет Konstantin!

07 Авг 16 13:44, Konstantin Simonov -> Cheslav Osanadze:

CO>> Все перешли на олбанский?

KS> Просто принято отвечать на языке оригинала, когда нет уверенности, что
KS> русский поймут. :)

Э-э нет, так не пойдёт! Ты же не пойдёшь в христианскую церковь с намазлыком? :-)


... наденьте наручники, отведите в камеру и... ПРИСТРЕЛИТЕ
--- ...
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Старый 01.03.2017, 00:53
Konstantin Simonov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Нello :)

Konstantin Simonov написал(а) к Janis Kracht в Aug 16 14:04:24 по местному времени:

Нi, Janis!

Sunday August 07 2016 02:44, Janis Kracht (1:261/38) => Konstantin Simonov:

JK> But in reading about Novosibirsk, I read about a subway there
JK> dedicated to Gagarin.

Only one metro stop called "Station Gagarin".
But, in contrast to the "Stations Pokryshkina", who was himself from Novosibirsk, "Gagarin Station" is just a name.
Pokryshkin studied in Novosibirsk in a trade school. Нe was a bully.
My grandmother knew him in his youth, before the war.

Sincerely yours, Konstantin.

... Voice +7-383-73-53-203 ICQ 594179153
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--- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20160322 WinNT 5.1.2600-SP3 iP-IV
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Старый 01.03.2017, 00:53
Konstantin Simonov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Нello :)

Konstantin Simonov написал(а) к Cheslav Osanadze в Aug 16 15:43:26 по местному времени:

Нi, Cheslav!

Sunday August 07 2016 10:01, Cheslav Osanadze (2:6078/80) => Konstantin Simonov:

KS>> Просто принято отвечать на языке оригинала, когда нет уверенности,
KS>> что русский поймут. :)
CO> Э-э нет, так не пойдёт! Ты же не пойдёшь в христианскую церковь с
CO> намазлыком? :-)

Во-1х, я не знаю что такое "намазлык".
Во-2х, я не крещенный, т.к. бабки, которые теоретически могли бы крестить, были атеистками. Прабабка могла бы, но она была довольно пассивной.

Sincerely yours, Konstantin.

... Voice +7-383-73-53-203 ICQ 594179153
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--- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20160322 WinNT 5.1.2600-SP3 iP-IV
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Старый 01.03.2017, 00:53
Stas Mishchenkov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Нello :)

Stas Mishchenkov написал(а) к Janis Kracht в Aug 16 12:01:32 по местному времени:

Нi, Janis!

06 авг 16 21:41, Janis Kracht -> All:

JK> I am so happy to be connected to CRIMEA.TALK.

I'm glad that can do you happy. ;)

JK> To me, it is a great chance to learn more about Crimea and it's
JK> people.

We have greate history from the ancient times... Chersonese was founded in 422/421 before Christ born by ancient Greeks on the south-west coast of Crimea.

Naples Scythian is an ancient city, one of scythian tsar's fortresses in Crimea, the capital of the late scythian state. I see it from my window. ;)

Or you interested by newest history, how we escape from Ukraine? ;)

Нave nice nights.
Stas Mishchenkov.

--- Если ложка не стоит в сметане, очевидно, виновата не ложка!
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Старый 01.03.2017, 00:53
Stas Mishchenkov
Сообщений: n/a
По умолчанию Нello :)

Stas Mishchenkov написал(а) к Konstantin Simonov в Aug 16 12:47:52 по местному времени:

Нi, Konstantin!

07 авг 16 09:13, Konstantin Simonov -> Janis Kracht:

KS> The people of the Crimea is mainly Russian people, but there are many
KS> other nationalities, as elsewhere in Russia.

Not quite so. We have here about 17 native nationalities, that are so small and can be lost. And we hav on small Crimea most of all nationalities of the world (including Zulu).

Нave nice nights.
Stas Mishchenkov.

--- Если ложка не стоит в сметане, очевидно, виновата не ложка!
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